"I drank it! Stop the fairies from dying!" I exclaimed and he shook his head disapprovingly,

"I told you no Gracie" he chastised slightly,

"Sorry" I said as I sat down at the table in front of my small cheese pizza,

"No ice cream after dinner then" he stated and I groaned "less of that, I'm not giving you any more sugar" he lectured and I sighed in defeat before tucking in to my pizza,

"So" I began after taking a bite "when are you and Kim gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend again?" I asked curiously and frowned when Adam choked on his pizza,

"What?" He asked alarmed as he took a drink "we don't like each other like that" he shook his head,

"That's not what Kevin said" I informed and he quirked and eyebrow at me,

"Really?" He asked and I nodded,

"Yep, he said you're both too stupid to see what's right in front of you" I said as Adam shook his head,

"I wouldn't listen to what Kevin say's, he doesn't know what he's talking about" he replied,

"You still didn't answer my question" I said as Adam let out a weary sigh,

"And I don't intend to thank you very much" he smirked. We ate the rest of our meal in a comfortable silence and by the time we had finished the sugar from the coke I had drank was fully kicking in,

"Adam look how many star jumps I can do" I exclaimed as I began to show off my impressive star jumping skills,

"That's great Gracie but you shouldn't do that right after eating" he informed "that pizza's gonna make a reappearance" he warned.

"Can I go out on my bike?" I asked hopefully,

"Absolutely not" he said firmly "you're in your pyjamas and it's nearly your bedtime" he reminded and I groaned,

"I don't wanna go to bed" I whined,

"And I don't wanna work 80 hours a week but we've all gotta do things we don't wanna do" he said as I flopped back on to the sofa.

"Can I play on my nintendo?" I asked as I kicked my legs energetically,

"Jay said no electronics before bed" he reminded and I groaned even more,

"But he's not here remember" I said obviously,

"How about we read a book" he suggested "you've got loads I've seen them all in your room" he stated,

"I wanna go on my nintendo" I whined once again,

"I said no Gracie" he said firmly "come on let's not ruin the night by arguing" he suggested "are you gonna get a book?" He asked and I shook my head and crossed my arms across my chest causing him to smile "fine have it your way" he shrugged "but you're gonna get bored of sitting there after a while" he said as he sat down at the kitchen table and flicked through his phone.

Boy was he wrong! Eventually he walked back over to me,

"Ok, it's 7:00pm" he said "time for bed kid" he said as he ruffled my hair slightly,

"I don't wanna go to bed I wanna read a book" I exclaimed as I threw my head back dramatically,

"Well tuff luck" he shrugged "you had your chance to read a book before and you chose to to strop here instead" he shook his head,

"I wanna read one now" I cried,

"Did your brothers tell you that I want never gets?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest,

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