ii. cheesecake

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After about 15 minutes the uber driver said we were nearly at the destination as soon as the car stopped we all stumbled out of the car. It was a cramped middle seat, alright.

We all regained our balance and calmly walking into the party, a few people looked over at us as we entered but they turned away, focusing on they're own conversations. Minx saw Schlatt getting wasted and Slimecicle and quackity cheering him on, so she excused herself and greeted them, quackity and slimeciclebeing polite, schlatt being an average prick.
We quickly noticed Dream, George, Karl and Sapnap getting tons of attention for being Seniors and the owners of the house.

"Hello kiddos" I said draping my arms on Sapnaps shoulder.

-"Hello Pumpkin" my older brother Sapnap said.
-"Y/N!" George shouted slightly, but once he noticed how loud he said it and how lots of people looked over, he started to blush and he whispered to me "help, let's go to the cafe"
I smiled as I pulled away from Sapnap, pulling George by the arm.

"Sorry boys, George needs help confessing his love to Dream" I said teasingly.

As I expected Sapnap bursted into quiet laughter, while George and Dream were sulking in embarrassment.

"Y/N" The two boys whined.

I ruffled Sapnaps hair, pulled George by the arm and went outside.
I called an Uber and we sat on the steps that led into the house for a few minutes until it came. I gave the driver directions to a popular 24 hour cafe near the beach. We had quiet small talk and sat in comfortable silence until we got to the small cafe on the corner of the road.
The waitress came up to us and asked politely.

-'What would you like to have this evening?'
-"May I have a medium sized Mocha coffee and a slice of Cheesecake, please?"
-"A small camomile tea and a small strawberry tart please" George answered politely.
"I'm sorry but we have no more tarts" He said, chewing her lip nervously, their eyebrows tenting up and a frown decorating his features.

After thinking for a while I responded.

"Make that two slices of cheesecake"
"Alright, sorry for interupting your date by the way" she said while their eyebrows going back to normal and her mouth going back to how it was a few seconds prior.

She disappeared behind the counter and George quickly thanked me

"I really can't believe you remembered I loved cheesecake, it's been a couple of year since we had any together" he said, smiling softly.
"Of course your my best friend" I responded with a happy grin.

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