Chapter Twenty: When the Storm Breaks - Vy

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I stare up at Ez as he looks down on us. Optic squeezes my shoulder comfortingly as Ez begins.

"You are probably wondering why I called you all down here. We have some very unfortunate news. Some of us went over to Hollow Coven territory and killed Mira. Most of you probably know Mira as a cruel, unloving, evil... the list goes on. We have also recruited a member from the Hollow Coven, Cora. Yes, I understand that you all will be hesitant to allow her to join us, but she is carefully being watched and has promised to join us peacefully. A second member of the Hollow Coven is suffering from memory loss, and he will also be joining us. Now, back to why I brought you here. Because of what went down yesterday, the Hollow Coven wants revenge. They will be attacking us shortly." Murmurs go through the room but Ez silences them with a glare. "Fortunately, Caroline has seen this and she has created battle outfits for us. If you look behind you, you will see an assortment of costumes, battle gear, and weapons that will help us defeat the Hollow Coven. The Killian Pack, and the Paradise Pack, allies of Sydney's pack, will be joining us in defeating the Hollow Coven. Anybody who doesn't want to fight can see me. And we will be holding training classes every afternoon. Be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior, and be ready for everything. We will decide battle plans later. But in the meantime, don't die." He turns around and walks off the stage. We all stand still for a minute before curiosity gets the best of us. We all go around and find our costumes. Without looking I grab my own and go into one of the spare rooms.


I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I don't recognize the person staring back at me. The girl standing in front of me looks like a warrior, fierce and ready for battle. My hair ties around me in a french braid, framing my face. The outfit that Caroline designed for me fits me perfectly, and is waterproof. My shoulders are shown but the rest of me is covered in a mix of blue and black leather all the way down to my feet where I am wearing a pair of tall blue boots that match my outfit. I walk out of the spare room and look at everyone. Everyone is in costume, and looks fierce. I look for Optic, but then I see him. His outfit is a fiery red, yellow stripes coming down the side of his costume. He is wearing a pair of knee high leather boots that have more zags going across it. I run over to him and he smiles at me.

"You look amazing," he gushes.

I blush. "You don't look too bad yourself."


I wake with a start, the alarm ringing in my ears. I clench my teeth. It's time, I think with a start. The war has begun. I jump from bed, running to my closet and pulling on my war outfit. I dart out of the door and into the lobby. I gaze around quickly for Optic, finding him talking intensely with Ella and Ez. I head over to them and they quickly explain the plan. Ez will lead a patrol out to hold them back while Ella's patrol follows closely. Optic's patrol will follow them. Sydney's pack and an ally of theirs will meet Ez up over the water. Then I will lead a patrol up and out of the water, freezing the surface layer of the water into a platform of ice. I nod and gather my patrol, waiting for Ez's command. Optic's suddenly by my side, hand on my shoulder. I turn to him, my face a frozen mask of worry. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"We'll be fine, all right?" he says, kissing my forehead quickly before rushing away to direct his patrol. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I tie it up into a high ponytail and take a deep breath. Ez leads his patrol out of the dome and through the water. Then Ella. Then Optic. Then it's my turn. I shout the command and my patrol shoots up through the water. I use my power of water manipulation to propel me even faster. When I reach the surface, everyone's watching me. They're all waiting for me to freeze the surface. I muster up all my strength and give my signal. All of the Energy Coven members shoot up and out of the water, and I quickly freeze the top layer of water. The Hollow Coven sees what's happening and most of them get out of the water in time.

When I'm Gone: An Energy Coven StoryWhere stories live. Discover now