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Y/n mom:- y/n are you ok ?

Y/n :- yaa I am but why are you here?
(Kim tan enters the room )

Kim tan :- are you ok y/n ?

Y/n :- yaa i am

Y/n notices jhope

Jhope:- aunty do you know me?

Y/n mom:- are you bear ? The fat cute boy back then?

Jhope :- ya aunty I am !

Y/n :- mom you know him ?

Y/n mom:- yaa have you forgotten the fat cute boy who always played with you when you were 9 years old !

Y/n :- you mean bear is jhope ?

Y/mom:- ya dear this boy was the bear back then now see he is so handsome and thin...

(Y/n was very happy)

Jhope :- now let me introduce my self officially " hello I m bear and jhope " y/n

Kim tan :- y/n have you forgotten mee I am here too..... ( in a childish way)

Y/n :- yaa I know tan my best friend and jhope nice to meet you again ....

Y/n mom:- ok..... Why don't you both kim tan & jhope come to our place today for dinner I will cook something good for you okk....

Kim tan :- ok aunty

Jhope :- ok but I don't know where you live !

Y/n :- Kim tan can you please pick up jhope from his house and come to my house

Kim tan :- amm okk ...

(Suddenly the the door opens and jin , Taehyung , Suga , Jimin , Namjoon , Jungkook enters the room)

Suga :- are you ok y/n?

Y/n :- yaa I am ok ... Ohh yaa what about rossie ?

Jin:- amm ... She got punishment ..

Y/n :- what ? What punishment?

Namjoon:- to clean the restroom

Jungkook:-jhope today you were very impulsive as soon as y/n fell you went and carried her here hmmmmm...

Y/n mom:- amm who you all boys ,are you
y/n ' s class mates ?

Jimin :- hello aunty we are y/n ' s class mates nice to meet you

Y/n mom :- you are so polite ! Would you like to have dinner with us today at our house
Bear and kim tan are coming why don't you join too

Jungkook :- " bear "who is bear ?

Jhope :- amm...mee

Jimin :- you ?

Jhope:- I will explain to you all afterwards okk!!

Y/n mom :- will you come boys ?

Jin :- yaa aunty we will come too !

Time skip
Y/n took leave and went home with her mother

In cafeteria

Jimin:- what was that you were going to y/n house for dinner why ? Do you know her ?

Jhope:- amm yaa ! Do youu remember I told you about my child hood friend who was very sweet and who played with me all the time !

( 3 years ago ****** date y/n birthday, jhope was sad and was lonely sitting in the class in lunch break ...

Jimin :- what happened why are you sitting here alone ?

Jhope :- nothing I am just missing my child hood best friend today is her birthday but I don't know we're she is I even forgot her name ! She was the one who was very sweet and she played with me every time

Jimin :- is it boy or girl ?

Jhope :- girl!


Jimin :- yaa ! I remember ! So y/n is that sweet girl in your memory

Jhope :- yaa

Time skip school got over

Y/n ' s house

Y/n mom:- y/n give me tomatoes

Y/n :- ok mom ! What are you making ?

Y/n mom:- something special

Time skip it's 7: 30 pm
Kim tan went to pick up jhope and gave the address to others

Kim tan :- y/n I am here !

Jhope:- hi y/n

( Other also reached the house too)

Namjoon:- wow your house is so beautiful y/n

Y/n mom:- come come in...😊

Y/n :- jhope come here I will show you something !

Jungkook :- can we come too I wanna see to what you will show to him

Kim tan :- I am here too I wanna come to y/n .....

Y/n :- ok come

( Everyone went with y/n)

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 BTS FF ||Clumsy girl with 7 Handsome boys ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें