Comfort (they/them

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This is based off of Karl's recent stream on his main I think also you are 21 and Karl is 22so it's not a big deal if you two change your shirts in front of eachother
Karl's POV
I was streaming and I got excited because I had won but then I looked at chat and saw someone said"Karl hated food"or some shit like that and that made me sad because I've had problems with eating in the passed and didn't need this recently my chats been more toxic or at least now I noticed but I try to be happy and smile until we were done but as soon as I ended stream I threw my head phones and turned everything off and went to find my S/O it wasn't hard they were sitting in our room on their phone but looked up as soon as they heard the door open
I looked up as Karl walked into the room he looked sad and my exasperation softened "baby it ok come here"I say making grabby hand at him (your sitting against the wall on you and Karl's bed )he crawls onto the bed and wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach I start playing with his hair and rubbing his back saying 'it ok' and 'I'm here for you baby ' and he just cry's onto my stomach for a few minutes until his breathing slows I look down to his face and see him sleeping so I adjust myself to my comfortably and fall asleep as well and pull a blanket over me and Karl
Karl's POV
I wake up with tear stains on my face and cuddled up to y/n I didn't move I didn't want or feel the need to I just sit their and start playing with the rings and bracelets on their hand and wrist they begin to stir in their sleep I look up at them and wait to see if they wake up after a bit they stretch and open their eyes "hi"I say softly in my morning voice "hey"they say back in their morning voice
Dude I could literally fall 1000 times harder for him hearing his morning voice it was so calm and gentle I wanna ask him about last night but not now "are you hungry "Karl says going back to playing with my rings turning them and admiring them I wasn't even listening to him just zoned out think about how lucky I am until he interlocked our fingers and looked up at me breaking out of my trance I looked back and sat up slightly "yeah I'm hungry but I wanna make you food" I say Karl sits up and moves off of me I get up taking off my 'pjs' aka my shirt leaving me in my bra and shorts I go into Karl closet and put on one of his sweaters they end up covering my shorts and going down mid thigh and I just head down stairs I start to make eggs bacon and toast (I really don't know I haven't had breakfast in a year ngl) I'm studying the eggs and flipping the bacon until I feel arms around my waist and a body press against mine "hello " I say moving to our island in out kitchen near the sink and turn to him putting my hands around his neck after pulling myself up on the counter not having Karl in between my legs while I sit on the counter "do you wanna talk about what happened last night" he nods slowly "just not rn" he says I just pull him into a kiss and go back to making breakfast 🍳
*after breakfast in our room*
I follow Karl up to the room and close the door behind us we both sit on the bed in silence I reassuringly give his hand a squeeze and wait until he's ready to talk after a bit he goes into detail about what happened "Karl I am really sorry this happened to you and you had to see that but please don't go back to that stage in your life I'm head for you and I'm sure your friends are too" i am honestly really sorry he had to see that at this point tho we are both crying not hard but just sad that this happened me and Karl just sit their looking into each others eyes and he leans in not all the way as if asking for permission I slowly nod and close the gap inbetween our faces very passionate it's not a short or something like before sex this is different it's like we are showing eachother how much we care i wasn't really comfortable in this position so I get up and sit on his lap not breaking the kiss but he's does seconds later we just looked into each other's eyes "thank you for being here for me "he say pulling me in for a hug "no problem I have and always will be here for you " after that we stay in bed and watch movies all day until night "hey I keep seeing these tiktok where people take their boyfriends and give them like a spa day or someshit do you wanna do it I already have all the stuff I just need your consent" I ask Karl nods and I walk to the bath room and get my head band,face mask,water,and the rolly thing I come back "are you ready " "yeah it's my first time doing this soo" he says as he looks down I smile "it's ok it's my first time giving one so if it's bad I'm sorry" I say and go to grab the LED ligh remote and change them to purple/pink god he looks so pretty in this lighting "ok just lay down and if you have to move in anyway I'll tell you ok "I say as he lays down I sit on his waist kinda I set the basket of things next to my leg and put on my playlist consisting of my and Karl's favorite songs I start humming to sweater weather and lean down eyes things and lip thing "wait I'm sorry I forgot to ask is it ok if I pluck your eyebrows never mind I don't wanna hurt you" I say quickly "it's fine if you want to you can " I just nod even tho he can't see and put the lip thing in him "ok imma leave that on for like 10 minutes that's what it says on the thing " (can we get a counter for how many times the word 'thing' is used I go to move off of him to get a snack but is instantly brought back down by Karl's hands pushing my waist/thighs down on him 😏😏
I giggle a little and pick up the water beside me (I'm not even gonna cap I haven't drank water in like a year idk if I said that already ) I open and drink it I check the time he had like 4 minutes left so I just sing along to cloud 9 playing in the background after 4 minutes I finally take off his lip and eye things "finally I can talk " Karl say "yeah I'm still waiting to get my snack you want anything "a snack no but if their are any monsters left I'll take one " before I get off of him I put the face mask on him and roll it in "you look so weird"I say laughing I get up and walk down stairs I get Karl's monster because I can actually reach that but now it's time to try to reach the top cabinet I just straight (not) up get a chair and climb on the counter to get the snacks I put every thing back my only light source is the light comeing from the cracked door of my bedroom so I was kinda creeped out and jumpy then something yells at me and picks my up i scream(you scream we all scream for ice cream sorry I am mentally 4) "omg Karl you almost gave me a heart attack geez" I say putting a hand on my chest feeling my heart racing after Karl puts me down Karl's dying laughing "ok ok really funny I get it come on let's take your face mask off and finish "I say walking back to the room I take off his face mask and rub in the thing and put moisturizer on his face and then chapstick 😏😏(yk where I'm going with this yk yk) "this chapstick tastes really good ,cherry?" Karl says while licking his lips "geez save some for me" I say leaning in and kissing him tasting the chapstick he tries to pull me on his lap but then I pull away "we done with the the spa thing "I say laughing at his shocked expression I go wide eyed 'oh no ' I think as he grabs my hips and picks me up and threes me on the bed he starts ticking my sides "ahh-Karl-stop"(not like that y'all nasty ) I try to tickle him back but he grabs my hands and pins them above my head at this point we are both out of breath but we are so close that I can feel the heat of his breath on my Face he leans in and I lean up we meet in between and kiss but are RUDLY INTERRUPED by my phone ringing " it's saP naP" I say popping the p I answer and put him on speaker "hello?" "Hi did you see Karl's stream" "yeah I'm with him rn why" "bitch stop trying to steal my fiancé!!!!" "To. Fucking late he loves he more " " no Karl tell them " "umm last time I checked he does give you kisses on the lips or do face masks with " Karl's face is red from holding in laugher sapnap hangs up...
Ok that's it I'm Corey but this is over 1709 words so yeah bye ✌️I am also unpublishing date I have no motivation to continue it

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