𝗶 - 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

Start bij het begin

I blame society.

I blame society because I see evil everywhere. I see it in their eyes when they lie or when they want to hurt.

I see the bad weather.

My brother thinks I'm crazy to doubt everything, he thinks I'm just scared.

I'm not.

I'm not scared that any day a monster like you can harm me, but I'm scared for him. He sees good in people. He trust people. He likes people.

I'm scared that one day he will trust someone capable of despicable things.

Like father Paul.

Did I tell you that he got arrest for running a human trafficking ring.

I saw that coming.

I saw it in this eyes.

I saw the anger, and the storm.

Daddy used to say I have a gift.

Doesn't feel like it.

But don't worry, I didn't forget about you—I'm onto you.

Just know that I'm waiting and when the right time comes, I'm eating you alive.



    view #3  
3 AUGUST, 2004
3:47 PM

You could ask Spencer Reid any statistics, or the origin of a word and he would give you the answer, but interrogating a suspect was not his forte.

He was too unthreatening, too young, too fidgety or maybe too nervous to demand answers— but the thirst to figure this case out was maybe too intense to let it quench.

He entered the room as silently he could, which didn't matter because none of the two people in the room acknowledged him anyways.

Maya Nyx, if that even was her name, looked more healthier that she did in the CCTV footage they saw earlier in the day, Morgan on the other hand looked more angry than he did when he entered the room.

Spencer thought un- cuffing Maya would be a good place to start the trust building process, but the glare she gave him definitely made him doubt that.

Untrusting were his legs, but he still sits next to Morgan— quiet.

Her hands are under the table, cocooned amongst her thighs. They're still, unmoving.

"Fix yourself up." The man, Agent Morgan nods at the bag Spencer had just kept on the table— Maya stares at it, blinks. Neusporin and bandaids.

"For your chin." He chuckles."and thumb." He stares down at her, "and knee."

Maya was the epitome of calm. Her face is deadpan, stony. She doesn't talk unless needed to, doesn't crack, just continues to stare and occasionally blink.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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