Sprained Ankle

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So this is slightly, just-just 🤏🏻 this much embarrassing because the following event actually happened quite recently, and not during my "childhood".

So I dance, right? (That's rhetorical, by the way) If you didn't know, I take classes for ballet, jazz, unfortunately tap, sometimes lyrical/contemporary, and like twice I did hiphop. But none of that shit matters, so I don't know why I wasted my time listing them all out. Maybe I'm just trying to show off, like, "Hey, I do so many different movements of dance and I'm showing it off even though I look like a fucking donkey trying to do the worm in all of them :D".

Anyways, enough of me making bad, self-deprecating jokes. I have this dance friend, let's call her M. Ah fuck it you don't know who I'm talking about, so her name is Meara. She's a great person even though she makes fun of my lack of skill in the...everything department. 

After a pain-inducing day of pointe class, we were walking down the steep, carpeted steps to go home. Now these steps, I swear to God, they can kill a person. They are so small, so worn, and because of the dumbass shit who built the building, they were carpeted, as I said 39 words ago. So this wasn't the first time someone got hurt on those murder steps. It's actually a common occurrence.

A very, very (note the sarcasm), very interesting fact about myself is that I can run down stairs quickly and smoothly. It makes me feel edgy and cool, sue me. 

I don't know why, but I was feeling extra confident in my running-down-the-stairs skill, so I was practically cosplaying as speed racer. Me naturally being the ditz I am, I held onto Meara, cause ya know, that's just what you do while you're sliding down the stairs like those middle school boys who think they're being cool and popular when in reality they just look stupid as hell. 

Everything was well and good for the first 2.6 seconds until I tripped. I think. The whole thing was a tad bit blurry. I'm pretty sure what happened was that when I stepped, I slipped down two steps, turning and yelping and blah blah blah. I ended up in a very concerning position, my whole body twisted while both hands on the unstable banister. I also think Meara was just laughing at me the whole time, so, uh, that's gonna be a great friendship that'll last a lifetime. 

I kinda laughed it off and then hobbled to the car. Honestly, it felt fine, just a bit sore, until I got home when I was whining like a little bitch. We went to the doctor, they said I just sprained my ankle and gave me an aircast.

It really wasn't a big deal, I think the most ridiculous part is how I fell down the studio's stairs even though I've been going for years with no malfunctions. But hey, I guess 10th year's the charm.

Fun Stories of Munkin's ChildhoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon