Chapter 2

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"Mm, hello again." Monsieur Paganini seemed to hum his words. Joseph found this sort of comforting in a way.

"Hello, monsieur." Joseph smiled slightly. "Are you going down for dinner?"

Monsieur Paganini nodded. "I am, shall we go together?" He shut the door to his room before taking one large step towards Joseph.

"That would be lovely." Joseph began walking down the steps, with Monsieur Paganini following close behind him. "You will be starting your matches soon, correct? Are you nervous?" Joseph recalled how nervous he was when he first started playing against the survivors. His first few matches were absolute hell on Earth, but he eventually grew to learn the ways of the game.

"Hm matches? I suppose I am, I just hope I'm not ill-prepared." He hummed a little.

"Right. These matches are quite tiresome. You'll get used to it though, we all did." Joseph smiled, and they walked into the large dining room. Most of the hunters were already seated with a few lingering in the kitchen.

Mary noticed monsieur Paganini walk in with Joseph and she raised an eyebrow, probably confused as to why Joseph was with him. He shrugged. Joseph and Monsieur Paganini sat down next to each other, which earned another skepitcal look from Mary. Joseph rolled his eyes. He was aware that this was unusual behavoir for him but she was being a little annoying about it. Monsieur Paganini noticed the exchange between the two but he didn't question anything.

The other hunters also took their seats and after a few of the more religious hunters said a word of prayer, they all began eating the dinner Mary had prepared. Mary wasn't the best cook but nobody had the energy to argue when she volunteered. They were all too tired after their matches to cook for themselves.

"So, Mr. Paganini will you play your violin for us one day?" Ann looked up from her plate of food.

Monsieur Paganini seemed to frown even though his face maintained a smile. "Oh, ah I don't think so. I'm not really interested in playing for people right now." He shook his head. "My apologies."

"That's alright, I'm sorry for asking." Ann bowed her head.

The rest of the dinner was rather uncomfortable. There were a few whispers here and there but for the most part everyone was too busy eating to conversate.

"If you'll excuse me.." Joseph stood up from the table with his plate. He took it to the kitchen and sat it on the rack. "I'll be..somwhere if you need me." He left the dining room and quickly headed to his room for his camera.

He took his camera to the back courtyard where the garden was. He set up his stand and started to position his camera to take photos of the flowers. He kneeled down on the pavement.

He looked through the lens of the camera and began snapping photos.

"Ah so this is 'somewhere'" A familar voice hummed.

"Monsieur Paganini? You were looking for me?"

"Well- I guess so, yeah." He walked over to him. "You know, you can just call me Antonio. I don't mind." He kneeled next to him.

They were kneeling pretty close to each other but it was still a comfortable distance. Joseph nodded. "Then you can call me Joseph."

Antonio hummed in response. "Am I intruding? I'd hate to be a bother."

"No not at all. To be honest I really enjoy your company." Joseph didn't look up from his camera. He took another photo.

"I enjoy your company too, Joseph." Antonio started to hum again while Joseph took more photos. Joseph moved to a different spot and Antonio followed him.

Joseph noticed how handsome Antonio actually was after he had stole a few glances at his new friend. He wouldn't be surprised if Antonio had many lovers before he was brought here to the manor. He wasn't the standard, but he was beautiful.

"Mm, where do you keep your photographs? I'd like to see them.." Antonio watched Joseph expertly angle the camera.

Joseph noticed that Antonio had leaned in more so he could see the camera. Joseph smiled. "I store my photos and develop them in an abandoned room on the first floor. Come, I'll show you." Joseph stood up. He didn't mind that they were leaving the camera behind. He had dozens more, and nobody would take it anyways.

Antonio walked beside him. "After you left, one of the other hunters, Mary, told me how you aren't normally talkative. Especially with newcomers?"

Joseph cursed under his breath. "Mary is always telling people my business, what am I going to do with her?" He chuckled a little as he shook his head. "She is right though. I am not the social type anymore. I don't usually interact with the hunters unless one of us needs something." He sighed.

"I'm glad I'm different from the other hunters then." Antonio hummed.

Different? "Well I suppose I am glad too."

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