Chapter 3

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He lead Antonio to his makeshift photography room. There were a few cameras and stands laying around and the walls were covered with framed photographs. A few of the photographs depicted people that seemed to be staring straight at them, their eyes still burning with life.

Joseph set a few of the photographs he had carried with him on his table. "So, what do you think?" Joseph spun back around to face Antonio. He leaned against the table.

"I understand what you meant now, it's like you captured their souls in a single photograph. It's beautiful." Antonio gently ran his finger across the surface of one of the photographs. "I know why you were so respected in France."

Joseph's face flushed. "I appreciate the compliments. I haven't taken a photo like that in a while though, I suppose I just don't have the inspiration." He shook his head as he turned to look at his more recent photos. They lacked the life that his other photos had. It was probably because he hadn't experienced anything close to life during his time in the manor. The people of the manor were dead or immortal, whether they wanted to mention it or not. Nobody was truly alive anymore.

Joseph swatted his thoughts away and realized that Antonio had moved closer to him to look at the other photographs.

"Why did you come to see me again?" He moved to the other desk and began to make himself look busy.

"Am I intruding? If so, I could leave, I'm sorry." Antonio backed up a little.

Joseph only laughed. "Do not apologize, mon ami. Like I said earlier, I enjoy your company. I was just curious." He glanced behind him to see Antonio visibly relax. He tried not to laugh at him again.

"Ah I see. I don't exactly know anyone else here, and I don't plan on getting to know them. They're a bit different, no offense to them of course."

"They are a strange group of people, I can agree with you on that. You'll warm up to them eventually." Many of them acted as a disfunctional family, offering the comfort and love that they lacked when they were alive. He chuckled a little. "I'm not close with a few of them either if I'm being honest."

"Oh? Then it's just you and me together I guess." Antonio chuckled.

Joseph felt his cheeks grow hotter which was an odd feeling for him. He hadn't blushed since way before he came to the manor. Was it Antonio that was making him feel this way? "Yes. Just you and me, mon ami." He smiled.

"Joseph! I've been looking all over this manor for you, you know? Did you not hear me calling?" Mary stood in the doorway. She looked tired and she had abandoned her heels somewhere on her way to the photography room. When she caught sight of Antonio standing by Joseph, she gave him a knowing look. He chose to ignore it.

"No, what did you need?" He glanced at Antonio apologetically for having their conversation interrupted so abruptly. Antonio only hummed in response. Joseph decided he could get used to Antonio's humming.

"They changed the schedule, you have a match first thing in the morning instead of the afternoon. You better get some rest too, we all know how you're not your best in the morning." Mary waved around the letter that he hadn't noticed earlier for emphasis. He stood up and took the letter from her, reading it over. Sure enough it stated that he must participate in the first rank matches of the day. He let out an annoyed sigh then handed the paper back to Mary. He turned to face Antonio, flushing when he saw that he was already looking at him.

"My apologies, Antonio. I have to go prepare for my matches in the morning.." He glanced at Mary and she rolled her eyes before leaving the room. "..Are you going back to your room right now? We can walk back together if you'd like." He felt weird asking this, he never went out of his way to interact with the new hunters.

"No need to apologize. I can go back up with you." He hummed and followed Joseph out of the room.

"The song you've been humming, I don't think I've heard it before. Is it something you wrote for your violin?" He glanced up at Antonio, flushing once again when their eyes met.

"It is actually. Maybe tomorrow I can play it for you, if you aren't too tired after your matches." They stopped in the hallway outside of the many bedrooms.

He raised an eyebrow at the proposal. "Oh? I thought you weren't going to play your violin for any of us."

"I wasn't, but you are different, Joseph. Besides, it might help you relax after your matches. I'm sure they're very stressful."

Joseph could only stare at Antonio. What did he mean by different? He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and shut his mouth again.

Antonio chuckled. "Goodnight, Joseph."

Joseph finally found words and nodded. "Goodnight, Antonio. Thank you." He watched as Antonio walked into his room and softly shut the door. The night had gone better than he expected. He smiled a little to himself before going back into his own room.

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