sorry for the wait

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  Her smile grew as the young boy struggled for air, his eyes darkening the little lights in the side as it begins to fade.
  Throwing him to the side, watching as he rolled hitting the far wall, with a sickening thud. Albys struggled aginist the rough hold of the guards, pulling with all his might. Watching as sprinkle slowly sits up.
   Ms.Grey turned from him twords albys smiling in a sadistic way, her mouth curling up, in a tight way.
   "Send them to room," she said with a load voice and knowing look. The to guards nodded, the one on albys left dropping his arm to grab sprinkles. Feeling a sharp pain the the side of his neck. Sleep lured him in, like an endless black void of peace.

   "I think it's time for a quick call, don't you all think" she chucked menacingly. The guard nodding along with their boss, as the dragged the two small skeletons behind them.

~~~~~~~~~~the call~~~~~~~~~~~

I know it's been a long time a few years actually but all I can say is I'm back, and I'm sorry, I have kinda just been ignoring this story and haven't been on this app in a year or two, I had even deleted it at one point. But I do plan to finish this story now that I have got my account back.

And I know the chapter is short but I promise this time Ill update more

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