Phil Yandere Alphabet {PLATONIC}

274 11 5

Attraction: How did they start finding a liking (can be romantic or platonic liking) towards you?

When he met you his father figure just went through the roof

Bloody: How bloody are they willing to get to help you?

This guy plays hardcore, so pretty bloody

Careful: How careful are they with their kills?


Demise: What would happen if you were to run away/die?

He would go after you. This man plays hardcore and knows how to track down things.

Ecstasy: How do they feel when you are around them?

He treats you as if you were his only child

Feelings: How would they tell you how they feel?

He would either ask to adopt you or 'surprise adopt' you

Generosity: How would they treat you?

Like he's your caring father

Hell: What would be your worst experience with them?

Once when you ran away he left you in the woods and came back to find you after a few weeks

Ignorance: How would they act in a fight

They would lock you in your room until further notice

Jealousy: What would they do if they were jealous?

If someone else was acting like a father figure towards you they'd go overprotective dad mode

Kept: When would they kidnap you?

Phil wouldn't kidnap you unless absolutely necessary

Living: Would they die to save you?


Masks: Would they act different after they develop an obsession over you

He would be a little more overprotective but other than that, nope

No: What is a big no when it comes to being with them?

Other than leaving and moving out, probably just stealing his stuff

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their beloved one?

Phil is a kind person, he wouldn't take your rights other than freedom

Patient: How patient are they when it comes to their beloved one?

He's very patient and rarely snaps

Questioning: What would they do if you asked if they were a killer?

He would laugh his ass of and say no

Regret: Would they ever regret killing everyone?

No unless it was someone like Wilbur or Tommy

Sleep: How would they react to their beloved falling asleep next/on them?

He would simply awe and let you sleep next to him

Tea: What would they do if someone else found out they were a Yandere?

They'd kill them on the spot no matter who was watching

Unique: What makes them different from your average everyday Yandere?

He's more of a dad figure so that lowers and raises some spectrums to being a Yandere

Vice: Who would be their right hand man/woman/partner when being a Yandere?

Techno and Wilbur

Weakness: What does their beloved do that makes them melt?

If you call him Dadza or start to warm up to him he can't help but smile

Xoanon: To what length would they worship your beloved?

He worships you like a favorite child

Yearn: How long would it take before they snap?

Phil wouldn't exactly snap but he'd get mad once and awhile

Zenith: Would they ever break their darling emotionally of physically?


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