And you realize that Eren really did just put his life in your hands, in a sense. 

His green eyes meet yours and they are soft and wet with unshed tears. "I want you to hold onto this for me," Eren whispers softly, his voice broken and cracked with emotion. You see his vulnerable emerald eyes began to spill over as he speaks. "...because even through hell, you are my bridge to something better." Eren takes your hand in both of his, his emerald eyes on yours, and he rests his forehead against your own. "Please always remember that, y/n."

Your heart is hammering so loud in your chest you don't doubt Eren can hear it. You stare back into Eren's eyes, fighting for something to say but all the words get stuck in your throat. You eyes are misty too and you feel a single tear make its way down your hot cheeks. Your voice croaks. 

So instead of trying to find something to say, you kiss him.

You kiss him hard, trying to pour in the passion of a hundred words you cannot say. Eren kisses you back roughly, vulnerably, trustingly, putting himself out there as much as he can and you meet him in the middle. 

It's as if an unspoken barrier has been broken between the two, and for a moment you care about nothing more than the man in front of you, holding each other close like there's no tomorrow. 

And if for only a moment, you will be his, as he is yours.

It isn't many seconds later that you find yourself lying on your back with you head in the pillows, and your shirt buttoned down over your shoulders. Eren's necklace is now around you neck, whilst he leaves hot and heavy, desperate kisses between your collar bones, careful to avoid your bandages, which have mostly healed by now. 

Eren pulls back slowly, breathing heavily. He eyes his work with probably more satisfaction than he should. Eren smirks softly and meets your gaze, pressing one last soft peck against your lips. "When this is all over, we will both be truly free, I promise you." He smiles, and lost in your giddy bliss you smile back. 

But when the lights turn off and Eren slides beneath the sheets beside you, in the darkness you receive a cold reminder of what reality really is. 

You are not his.

You cannot be his.

There are innocent lives on the line. 

Lives that will be lost if you cannot do your part to stop the Jaegerists.

If you cannot stop Zeke,

... and Flotch 

...and Yelena 

....and the man who lay next to you,

your husband,


The warm, fluttery feeling in your chest from moments ago is replace with coldness, as though an icey rod had just been plunged through your chest. The key around your neck suddenly feels too heavy, like it is strangling you. 

You stare at the wall across from you, listening to Eren's breath gradually slow down as sleep over takes him. You lie awake, waiting for him to fall completely into unconsciousness, and one thought keeps ringing through your mind.

You are not his. 


Am I dragging this out too much? 

I saw this somewhere so I'm going to try it too:


Eat something for 🥔Sasha🥔.

Drink some water for 🐬Armin🐬 .

Work hard for 💚Eren💚 .

Kick ass for 💪Mikasa💪. 

Strategize your time for 💅Erwin💅. 

Clean for ⚔Levi⚔.

Learn something new for🧪Hange🧪. 

Find humor in life for 🤣Connie🤣

Be a queen for 👑Christa👑 (aka Her Royal Magesty Queen Historia the First).

Tell your friends/family/partner you love them for 💖Ymir💖.

And take care of yourself, for all of them!

(also pet something ugly, for Jean (u know what I'm talking about XD))

Destine to be His (Eren Jaeger x reader)Where stories live. Discover now