Chapter 7: Class Of Mystery

Start from the beginning

"It is the best course of action for us right now." He agreed almost instantly as though he also had thought of doing the same.

"I'm on board!" I chimed in.

After informing the class of what we were going to do, the three of us made our way of the classroom and soon found a trio of students also seemingly looking for the Class S classroom.

Sakayanagi's POV

The students of class A were only slightly shocked by the revelation of the S-system but the big shock was that usually there would only be four classes per year, however this year a Class S was listed above us. Not only that but it seems that they do truly live up to the name as they had managed to maintain their thousand class points.

We had also done a commendable job as we maintained nine hundred sixty class points. However, this loss of points was easily avoidable if it weren't for complacency within the class.

I have rarely been interested in many things. Normal life has always been a mundane task with not much fulfilment within it. But here I was presented with something that had piqued my curiosity. I had to investigate this Class S for myself.

As I got up I called over Kamuro-san and started to leave the room, but I felt as though a certain character was missing from this scouting mission.

"Katsuragi-kun would you join me in investigating Class S." There was no reason for me to invite Katsuragi but it could be useful to have someone with a bodyguard type build in case something was to happen. After all, I will be venturing into unknown territory.

He agreed, this was the only choice really for someone with the mindset of Katsuragi, he would try and learn as much as possible about a threat before actually taking any action. He is more focused on defence, this certainly isn't a bad mindset to have if Class A was the top class however unfortunately for Katsuragi we have to attack to move up classes so his strategies would be the less effective ones in the long term.

Whilst I like to think I possess an innovative outlook on situations. Katsuragi has more of a conserved outlook. He would opt for the defensive route unless forced to take a more attacking stance. For our opposing thought processes, we have become a class with two different factions.

A shield and a spear are how I would describe our contrasting views.

3rd Person POV

Four trios of students left their classes at similar times, all scavenging for the location of Class S.

After wandering around for a short while the Class A trio met another trio.

"Hey Sakayanagi-san, Kamuro-san and Katsuragi-kun." Ichinose Honami the leader of Class B had called out to them energetically, still having that friendly aura around her.

In response, Katsuragi gave a slight nod whilst on the other hand, Kamuro ignored her greeting, clearly annoyed that she was dragged into following Sakayanagi and now had to deal with Class B on top of that.

Sakayanagi gave a slight wave of her hand in return. She saw no need to engage in conversation since it is obvious as to why Ichinose was wandering around outside the classroom.

"Are you also looking for Class S, if so want to look together?" Offered Ichinose, for the Class A trio there wasn't any reason to decline the offer unless you include Kamuro not wanting to be around more people than she has to.

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