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                              4 years ago

"Levina!" A woman yelled.

"Coming mom!" Levina yelled back, quickly making her way toward the older woman.

"We're almost there, get ready."Her mother said in a stern tone.

"Alright." Levina replied, going back to her room almost immediately.

Multiple ships rode the waves of the sea together, readying their arrows and catapults.

Levina stood on deck watching with a sorrowful look, she didn't wish to hurt dragons. But she was born to the wife of a dragon hunter, so she couldn't turn away from this path she was being led down.

A hoard of dragons could be seen flying in the sky, a hunter raised his hand waiting until the dragon were right in front of them and put his hand down. "Fire!" He yelled as arrows and boulders started flying at the dragons.

Dragons plummeted from the sky and others dodged firing at the ships, the dragons and hunters continued their battle while Levina still couldn't bear to shoot an arrow at them.

Today was the day she was going to do it, she was going to make her escape from the dragon hunters.

Levina use the chaos to get below deck and get on a boat and pulled a chain that caused the wooden door in front of her to drop.

She started rowing herself out of the vacinity, she kept on rowing until the sky was black, there wasn't an island in sight for her to go to.

Rowing through the sea above her a cloud started to release rain and the sky boomed, the waters waves were choppy and large.

She struggled to stay a float as a large wave she just barely managed to get over came, a large one she couldn't ride over came right over, knocking her out of the boat and sending her underwater nearly unconscious.

Levina swam up to the surface weakly, trying to tread in the water so that she wouldn't be stuck under water.
She went unconscious, her eyelids closing as she tried to keep them open, but they shut despite her desperate attempts to keep consciousness on her side.


Levina opened her eyes slowly, light flooding into her view as she tried to comprehend her current situation.

She opened her eyes fully to see that she was on a rock, she used her elbows to push herself up.

Looking around she saw rock, stone, that's all she saw, there were small spaces In between rocks that lead to a cave.

Levina pushed her body up fully and stood on her feet, her body ached and she was just now noticing how much pain she was in.

Fighting through this Levina dragged herself to one of the openings, when she finally reached right in front of the entrance she leaned on the stone for support as she took a quick break.

Leaning off the stone she gripped onto the bottom edge of the stone opening and pushed herself up, she put her right knee onto the stone and slipped her left leg over, pulling her right knee down as she landed.

She walked through the cave, working her way over the stone stumps and stray rocks.

Finally she had made it to the main part of the cave, there was no light except for a small crevice in some of the stone that let some outside light in.

Levina heard something behind her, quickly snapping her head around, her body following suit.

A large dragon with its wings wrapped around it in a cocoon like way was in front of her, it's wings unraveled to reveal its face.

Jumping down it sprinted at her as she backed up quickly in fear but it stopped with a loud roar and collapsed to the ground trying to stand up again.

"Oh no!" Levina shouted. She walked around to see what was wrong, it's right back leg was injured. "It's alright, no need to be scared I can help." Levina said getting up and walking out of the cave. Forgetting about her own pain for that moment.

Levina came back in with a wooden stick, she kneeled down behind it. She set down the wooden stick, the dragon watching the entire time. She took off the piece of cloth she had from her arm, picking up the stick and lining it up with the dragons leg. She wrapped the cloth around the stick twice and tied it tightly, "There! That'll help as long as you don't mess with it." Levina said with a smile.

The dragon picked up its leg and moved it a little, looking at the stick Levina had put on it.
The dragon looked at Levina and shoved its head into her chest with a kind grumble of thanks. "Haha, see I'm not so bad!" Levina said happily. "I'm gonna call you Siveth." Levina said looking at the dragon who seemed happy with the name.

That is how to earn a dragons trust.

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