The lid of the box lifted as I crawled out. I placed it back, slowly, and checked my surroundings. I appeared to be in an outhouse. There were a ton of crosses everywhere, which might suggest the people here were religious.

???:Hello! What's your name?

I jumped, surprised by the unexpected voice. I turned around, only to find a small girl, probably my age, that looked like a Neapolitan ice cream. She had what I presumed were cross earrings, as well as a pin badge that had the word "Sarvente" on it.

Sarvente: Your not from around here are you?

Ruv: Who are you?

She ignored my question, looking at me in awe.

Sarvente: That's a nasty bruise you got there. Here, let me help you.

Ruv: What are-?

I had no time to react as she knocked me back, placing something on my eye. I tried to grab something, anything, to defend myself.

Sarvente: There! All done.

She took her hand away as I opened my eyes. Or at least, one of them. The other one I couldn't open. I placed a hand to said eye, only to feel a cloth.

Sarvente: Take a look.

She handed me a mirror. I saw the eye with a bruise had been covered by the cloth I had been holding.

Ruv: Th..thanks I guess.

Sarvente: I still don't know your name.

Ruv: That's not important. I need to go.

I left, walking through the door, only to end up on some kind of church.

Sarvente: Go where?

I ignored her, walking through what presumed was an exit. Instead, I found myself in a bathroom. I heard a click, as the door behind me was locked. Panicking, I looked through the door, only to see that girl again, this time with a cheeky smile.

Ruv: Hey! What are you doing? Let me out!

Sarv: Not untill you tell me who you are!

Ruv: Listen, I don't have time for this. Just let me out so I ca-

I stopped talking as the lights went out. I could see the silhouette of the girl, but also saw two other silhouettes. The lights came back on, as the girl was faced away from me.

Sarv: What do you want?

I could see two figures. One, a boy that looked 21 with brown hair, a rockstar shirt and had a knife. The other, a girl that was probably 18, with pink hair and a crop top.

Boy: Oh, you know. Just some money...

Sarv: Please leave. The church doesn't give out money to strangers.

Girl: Oh doesn't it. Well, I'm sure it will this time.

They walked toward Sarvente who ran over to, what I could only guess, was a string. The girl ran over, stopping her and pinning her arms behind her back.

Boy: Don't think you can call for help. We're gonna get what we want, when we want.

I looked around for something I could use to help her. I found a box, with one of those fake guns that made real noise.

Sarv: No! You can't walk into the church and take what you want!

I saw, in the reflection of the floor, a vent, in the wall above me. I used a nearby step ladder and, with difficulty, squeezed through. Aiming the gun in front of me, I pulled the trigger.


The noise was defeaning, reverberating around the vents, and the walls of the church. I got out, slightly shaken, and pressed my ear into the door to listen.

Boy: Run! Get out! They got a gun!!!

I looked through the hole in the door and saw the the two older kids running. I watched as the girl dropped to the ground, visible fear in her face.

With no over option, I used the wooden box to break a hole into the door. She looked in my direction, alarmed at the noise probably. I ran over to her, not sure why I was doing so, and helped her up.

Ruv: You okay?

Sarv: Yeah. I'm fine.

Ruv: Who were they?

Sarv: Just some random people. They come over, usually demanding money. They sometimes even destroy church property.

Ruv: Do you live at the church?

Sarv: I have to. I don't have a home, other then the church. My mom is a nun who was taken advantage of, and...

She closed her mouth, clearly not wanting to talk anymore.

Ruv: Well, maybe I can help.

Sarv: How?

Ruv: You saw how those to ran when I fired the gun. I may be able to detest other people from coming here.

Sarv: Well, don't you have somewhere to be? Or are you homeless?

Ruv: Yeah....I really don't have anywhere I can go. And, I don't think I'll want to be in an orphanage.

Sarv: Well, maybe we can talk to the other nuns. Get a deal.

Ruv: Sure.

I began following her through the church.

Sarv: Oh and by the way, what is your name?

Ruv: Ruvyzat.

She tilted her head in confusion, probably at the sound of my name.

Sarv: I think I'll call you "Ruv" for short. And how old are you?

Ruv: 11.

Sarv: Oh. Wow. You look 15.

Ruv: Well, I am taller for my age. At least, my mom said so when I was 8.

We continued walking through the surprisingly large church. Eventually, we reached a room with a cross on the door. I heard chatter and murmurs from behind as Sarv knocked.

Ruv x Sarvente Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن