Chapter Two

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"What the hell?" Natasha asked after a moment. "They turned me into a vampire, they deserved it."

Natasha nodded her head in agreement. She had no idea that vampires had even existed, but here was living proof. The girl seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't pin point from where. "Let's get out of here," Natasha said, heading for the exit with Evelyn following close behind.

The made it back to the helipad, Evelyn was amazed by the technology. Considering she hadn't seen anything really since 1945. When she lost her brother and husband. "Picked up a stray have we Nat?" A teasing voice called.

Evelyn spun round defensively, looking at Howard Stark in a completely metal suit. No, not Howard Stard. Though they seemed similar. "Howard?" Evelyn tested just to be sure.

"No," the man groaned. "I'm Tony Stark, Howards son."

It took the agents amonent to realise the woman should probably be mush older if she didn't know who Tony was. "How long you been with Hydra?" He questioned.

"Well technically only a couple years, they sold me like 60 plus years ago to another organisation," Evelyn replied with an unbothered shrug. 'Never let them know they have affect you eve, we will escape I promise."

She closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. "So how are you so young?" Tony asked.

"I'm a vampire. Luckily the sun doesn't affect me, or I'd be deader than I already am," she replied. Tony scoffed not believing her. Until she allowed the veins to appear on her face.

More footsteps and loud landings signalled the rest of their team had appeared. A face long since passed was now in front of her, someone she had to mourn alone over. Someone she believed dead now stood in front of her, not noticing her, smiling and laughing with his friends. But when his eyes met hers the colour drained from his face, his smile replaced with complete shock. "Evie?" Steve rogers asked heartbrokenly.

He thought he'd finally snapped, he was finally insane. "Steven?" Her voice was completely broken as she broke out into sobs. Their bodies crashed together in a desperate hug. "I thought you were smaller," she mumbled to him as the team looked at the reunion in complete confusion.

Steve cried,  completely unashamed as multiple tears fell down his face. "I told you I'd have a growth spurt you just never believed me."

Sam snorted lightly at the comment, he knew who Steve was hugging. His little sister, the woman that meant everything to him, the reason he didn't go back in time. Steve had told Sam that when returning the stones he had the chance to go back to Peggy, but his sister was going to be dead by the time he went back. As her nurse camp was raided and burnt to the ground a week after he'd frozen. "I've missed you so much Stevie," she pulled away lightly, to get a good look at him. "Looking good for an old man."

Steve smiled lightly, "yeah I could say the same." He picked up a piece of her long matted purple hair, "whats with the hair?"

"Part of whatever they did to me, when they turned me my hair changed and I got my powers."

Steve raised an eyebrow, " turned yiu?"

"Stevie I should be dead, technically I am. They turned me into a vampire. Hydra sold me to A society against vampires, Augustine. In 1946 after they believed I'd failed my testing, There I was fed another vampires blood and they killed me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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