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full name: kang jiwoomeaning of the name: ji - wisdom, intellect, perceived, comprehend, will, and ambition; woo - rain, house, or universe

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full name: kang jiwoo
meaning of the name: ji - wisdom, intellect, perceived, comprehend, will, and ambition; woo - rain, house, or universe. it could also mean delete, clear, and erase
nickname(s): darling, angel, cherry
age: 25
sexuality: homosexual
species: human
spoken languages: english and russian

eye color: emerald green
weight/build: 122 lbs / 55.3 kg
height: 5' 9" / 175 cm
hair color and length: jiwoo likes to color his hair in different shades of pink. his natural hair color is black, which he doesn't like. he keeps his hair short and cute, and sometimes he can have it either wavy or curly.
taste in clothing: despite being a little underweight, jiwoo likes to show of his body in women's clothing. it doesn't matter if it's a dress, a blouse, or anything. he wants all eyes on him.
allergies: lactose intolerant

personality: jiwoo is a sassy and creative individual. he's the type of person who wouldn't respect anyone, unless you are his boyfriend and his large group of friends. he likes to get out of the house and have fun out public. jiwoo is known for being flirty with people. he can be bit of a sexual tease, but he knows when to stop doing that. it is very rare to see him obedient, and he can be nice to you. just takes time to trust you. he can be sensitive with the words you say towards, but he won't cry in front of you unless he's had it with you and your attitude.
likes: cuddling, napping, being with you and his friends, sex, your punishments, webcomics, selfies, pda, the color pink
dislikes: lemon flavored candy, ice cream, his natural hair color, you being angry, stalkers

habits: hides when you're angry, puffs up cheeks when jealous, buys anything pink
hobbies: making chokers, painting his nails, cuddling with you, reading webcomics, napping, putting on makeup

love language: physical touch

position: switch but leans more towards bottom. jiwoo will top if asked.
turn on: chokers, your punishments, covering you in hickeys, exhibitism, being tied up, toys, dominating you after having consent, after care
turn off: scat, blood, anything that involves body fluids, knife play, vanilla

status: single

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