Part 1 - The People

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That day her session was a long hour, and it's already late she reached home. Hershey's parents are always overprotective. That day was so hectic from the morning for her, that she had left her adapter at home, which was maybe the reason that her phone was dead at the very time her parents called her. She was entirely worn out when she reached home. But her mother was very concerned about her child. As usual it was a quarrel at their home and Hershey was always tired of all those brawls. She was the one working all day for the home and yet she got used to those arguments, for they are the events of every other day that she tuned in for extra hours. That night rained heavily when she just entered her home. That night she made roasted breads for the dinner, which she usually will make when she is late probably because of extra hours. Then she let her parents have their tablets.

Life had always been a white-bread to her. Nothing makes her feel so special than her old parents. She always has an impression that her life is unceasingly compelling for her. Maybe yes in her perception. After serving her parents, she entered her bedroom, perhaps her favorite place at all. She feels the room like her second parent. She reveals her joy to her, she cries in her lap, she use to talk to her, she dances, she sings, she sits, she walks and she sleeps with her. She relishes her, because it's the place where she can taste solitude. She sometimes admire that her room is the only thing in the universe that bothers for her feelings. She adores the way that the curtains wipe her tears, the cold breeze allures her to sleep that it's just another bad day. Just like all other day she prayed god for a better life and slept for that day.

Like any day, nothing had changed that morning. She woke up and got ready that one more day has to be driven off. For it is a city near Cochin, it would be raining time and again. That morning was also raining densely. She got her cab on and a bit jam is on the line. Anyway she reached her office at some time. She was however pooped for day, maybe cause that she has the brunt out from the previous day. Chetan was sitting in his board and found her on the cabin outside his glass screen. She was on his favorite red top and white skirt. He always love to see her in this attire, maybe this time with a quite dull her. He excuses his colleagues as he came out to greet his friend with some morning wishes. He just discerned her face, and asked

"Sounds slacken today??"

She replied, "why you so bothered, cheta?!" in a kidding way.

Yes, that's how she uses to call him.

He was on his way to the desk, while saying

"Maybe cause, that you look pretty for today!!" and laughed within him.

Chetan was always concerned about the crowd around him, and Hershey is something special to him. He knows everything that Hershey is bearing and would always like to support her and he indeed her third booster after her room. He generally uses to accompany her on leisure sessions and they always made a good friendship. She always loves his intimacy towards her. Despite every others working in their office they both are very intimate to each other. He indeed has great plans in his life. He wanted to explore the whole world. His primary goal for then is to grow into an entrepreneur, outset his own startup and to provide a better life for his parents. Alike Hershey, He too has a conservative parents and they always do believe that they have made him a very refined man and so he do. He always speak up for equality among peoples based on any aspects, especially he wanted women to be treated as equal as men and people actually use to call him "the feminist cheta".

As every other day, they caught up that afternoon for their lunch. They were chattering about many things and the different shades of life that day. Indeed, he is a stress buster for her. It would always be a good time for both when they caught up each other. She felt relieved for time and they both got back to work soon.

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