7: tension

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"Hello my King and Queen, i have a little note for you" i say to them. 

They look at me

"Guar-" i cut him of before he can call the guards "Don't bother to call the guards, if you want to see your son again" 

"What have you done to him?!" The queen asks

"I will not say that here, so here is the note and i'll see you again" i say to them and then walk out of the dining room. 

"And?" Niall and Liam ask

"I gave them the note" They laugh and go to back to there ship. 


I still don't know what day it is.

I still don't know what is going to happen to me.

"Hello curly, how are you doing today?" 

"not that great" i mumble 

"Ah, getting sassy i see" I just look at Louis, i look at his hair, he has fluffy brown hair that i really want to touch, then at his eyes, he has bright blue eyes that you can just drown in, and at least his lips, he has red tiny lips that are just perfect and that i wanna kis- 

What?! NO! Not kiss! What where you thinking Harry 

"Take a picture, it will last longer" Louis says, making me come back to reality. 


"Hello curly, how are you doing today?"

"not that great" he mumbles

"Ah, getting sassy i see" He looked at me and i look back at him, first his hair, he has brown curls that are really wild, his eyes are bright green, they are just beautiful and then his lips, big full red lips that i just can kis- 

What?! NO, nope, no, nope

Can't kiss, will never kiss, he is held captive by me, i can't kiss him. 

You're crazy Louis 

"Take a picture it will last longer" I say when i see that Harry is also looking at me. 

"What do you want?" He asks

"Money" i say while walking closer to him

"And you think my parents are going to give you money?" 

"Yes" i was really close to him now 

He looks in my eyes and i look back, i can almost feel his lips against mine 

"Well good luck then, because my parents really don't care about me that much" he says with a grin. I back away from him

"We'll see about that" i say and then leave.  

Turn the tables  L.S. *complete*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن