
Comenzar desde el principio

"Ugh..." He groaned, looking around, trying to look for the remote he had lost a few minutes ago.

And of course...

He has to pee.


"Of all times I have to friggin' pee, I gotta do it now..."

He struggled a bit, before finally getting up on his feet. Using the couch to stand up and holding onto the walls as he walked down the hallway, just deciding to use the downstairs one, because he'd be winded by the time he got upstairs. And that wouldn't be good.


And since he didn't want to sit down, he chose to just stand in the kitchen, leaning on the counter island as he tapped his fingers.

Sitting down made the slight pain in his stomach hurt more. And that sucked.

There is nothing to do in this damn house.

And it's only been twelve minutes. He pondered, staring down at his stomach that was covered with Mattia's hoodie, and even this baggy hoodie was a bit too snug on Ale now, it sucked. God, he felt so fat.

"We should run away together, like maybe down the driveway, or something because I can't walk too far." Ale smiled at the small cat who was laying by his feet.


Now he felt like he was in a music video, it had now been twenty minutes, and Alejandro was just staring outside the window now, waiting to see if anyone would pass by in this weather.

Maybe a miracle would happen, and Mattia and Nano would come home early. But Alejandro highly doubted it with the amount of snow that was on the road earlier that day.

And when Ale says his heart nearly gave out when he saw the mail truck, he means it.

He was so glad that he had an excuse to finally walk around. And Mattia would never know since the driveway was clear and he wouldn't leave any footsteps.

"Alright, I'm gonna get my boots on, and a jacket since it's cold, you can come with me if you want Willy." Ale smiled, going over to the door-not even walking, it was more like a very slow waddle, and sitting down on the bench near the front door, slipping his black boots on, pulling his socks up above his ankles.

And getting a very puffy jacket on, that didn't even zip because of his stomach being in the way.

"Okay...I'll be right back Will, stay right there," Alejandro said, opening the front door and closing the smaller screen door behind him.

He had gone down the driveway, holding underneath his stomach, and realizing he had made a bit of a mistake.

Walking made the stomach pains worse, standing made them worse, even laying down or sitting made them worse. He wasn't sure what the hell to do. Hopefully, he could just take a nap once he got inside.

The mail truck had left a while ago, and apparently, Mattia had a package being delivered today as a gift for the baby and Ale. So he was really excited to open it before him to peek at what he got for him and his kid.

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/ ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora