We looked at each other for a while without saying anything. I was starting to get shy because of how long he was staring at me.

He put his cup down and brought his hand up to my hair and bounced a couple of my curls. My hair was still out and wet, getting puffier as it got dryer.

"I like your hair." he said.

"Thank you. I've just washed it." I said, smoothing it down a bit. John pulled his hand away.

"Why don't you wear it out?" he asked.

"Well, after a while it gets really puffy and hard to handle." I said.

"Maybe one day I'll let you see it out for a whole day." I added.

"Deal." he said with a smile.

"Can I see your cap?" I asked him.

"Sure." he said taking it off and handing it to me.

"Be carful." he said pointing at the sharp blade on the inside of the cap.

"Why on earth do you have blades on your cap?" I asked.

"Well..." he said with a laugh but he didn't answer my question.

"How do I look?" I asked, putting the cap on and doing a couple of poses.

"It suits you." he said, with a smile.

I laughed and took it off and passed it back to him.

"Seriously though, why do you have a blade on your cap?" I asked again, curiously. 

"I'm a Peaky Blinders. We all have the caps and we all have a blades sewed on it. Its just a thing we do." he said.

I didn't really get it, but I don't live the life he does so it makes much more scene to him then it does me.

"I've got to finish getting ready." I said, and got up and went to my room. John followed behind me and stood at the door.

I sat down in front of my mirror and began fixing my hair putting it into a bun and letting a few curls hang loss. I looked over at John who was still standing at the door.

"You can come in." I said.

He walked in slowly looking around my small room. He sat down on the bed as he watched me do my eye makeup. Once I finished my my make up I grabbed my watch from the night stand.

There was twenty minutes before nine. I got up and put the watch on and put on a couple of bracelets and a necklace that went with my outfit. John watched me quietly while I did all of this.

It felt extra cold today so I grabbed my thicker gloves and put them on. John followed behind me.

"Ready?" I asked, he nodded and grabbed his cap he left on the couch and I grabbed the cups and washed them quickly and put them away.

I put my boots on and tied them tightly. I grabbed my coat and put it on and lastly grabbed my purse and brought it over my shoulder.

I grabbed my key and John opened the front door and let me pass first. He walked out behind me and closed the door. I locked it and we began walking to the Garrison.

We made it there ten minutes later, it was almost nine.

"I still don't have a key." I said.

John laughed at me and pulled out his and opened the door. I thanked him and walked in. I noticed he wasn't coming in behind me. I turned back around, he was still standing there.

"You're not coming in?" I asked him.

"No. I've got some work to do but I'll come around later." he said.

Gabriela's taleWhere stories live. Discover now