Chapter five

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"Y/N! I have some fish for you!" You look over to the water and see a merman with bright yellow hair with a black lightning bolt in it. You smile and hop down from your hammock, walking over. "Thanks, I was starving!" You've warmed up to the idea of staying here. After all, this home is better then anything you could ever afford, and most of the merfolk seem to be really nice.

The merman pulls himself onto the sand, holding a couple fish. "I'm Denki, by the way!" "Nice to meet you Denki," you say, taking the fish. You then frown, realizing they're all raw. "Um... sorry to bother you, but... humans don't typically eat raw meat. We can get really sick from it." Denki's eyes go wide. "Oh! I'm sorry! Let me cook those for you."

You hand the fish back to the excitable merman, who places them on his tail. "You may want to back up," he tells you. You heed his warning and back away, before his tail sparks with electricity, cooking the fish.

"Here, is this good?" he asks, handing you the fish. "Yah, thanks!" You sit down and grab your pocket knife and begin to get the scales off the fish, before chowing down. "It's really good!" you tell him, your mouth full. Denki laughs. "I'm glad you like it!" You nod, continuing to gnaw on the fish.

After a while Denki tells you he's gotta head out, and dives into the water, leaving you alone again.

Later, you're stretched out in the hammock, reading a book, when you happen to glance over and see a face peeking up at you out of the water. You jump, startled, and the merman startles as well. "Sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to scare you! I've just never seen a human this close before, and you're really interesting! I'm Izuku by the way," the green-haired merman says, pulling up close to the sand. "Hi Izuku. And it's fine, I was just a little startled." You notice Izuku staring at your legs in wonder. "Could I touch them?" he asks. "Uh, sure." You chuckle at the exited merman, placing your book down and walking to the shore, placing your legs in the water.

Izuku places a hand on your leg, his eyes wide with wonder. "Woah, your legs are so smooth!" You giggle as he then looks at your toes, poking them. "They're so small! This is so cool!" You giggle again. He's so adorable. You then get a thought.

"Hey, Izuku, you think I could touch your tail?" Izuku looks up, a little surprised, but nods, smiling. "Uhuh!" He pulls himself into the sandy beach, letting you run a hand over his scaly green tail. You're amazed at how different it feels from Tsu's tail.
He looks at you and cocks his head. "Whatcha thinking about?" "Oh, just that your tail feels more like a fish, while Tsu's felt like slimier, like a frog. And come to think of it, Denki looked like he had an eel tail." Izuku smiles.

"That's cause we're all like different fish! Tsu's a tadpole, though she does have a lot of adult frog qualities. Denki is an electric eel, and I'm just a cod. Our tail colors don't often match our fish, but sometimes they do." You nod, understanding. "That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for answering my question Izuku." "Of course! Do you mind if I ask you a couple about humans and life on land?" he asks you, and you nod. "Shoot." He grins and pulls out a waterproof notebook. "Okay, so first of all, what are dogs?"

Izuku asks you questions for hours, and time speeds by. You only notice that's it's getting late from the magic mural in the room changing to sunset. "Oh! It's getting late. I should probably head out. Thanks so much for answering my questions and letting me touch your legs!" Izuku says, waving and jumping into the water. "Bye!" "Bye Izuku!"
You yawn and lay down in the soft sand, looking up at the sunset.

Look at me uploading on time for once! God I gotta write more...

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