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The vibration that comes from Yuki's phone is waking her up from her deep slumber.
She slowly open her eyes.
"Another day".
She sit up from her sleeping position and contemplate about life as the clock ticking away.
"How many more days can I go on for?"

Yuki glances towards her phone which is making loud noises.
"Nick's calling" is displayed on the phone screen.
Yuki quickly slides to accept the call and was greeted by a loud voice.
"GOOD MORNING YUKIIII!!! HOPE YOU SLEEP WELL, anyway I found myself a new boyfriend! Yey!!"
Yuki just smile to herself as she hears her boyfriend goes on and on about his new boyfriend with so much gusto.
"Annnnnnd that's how we ended up dating! He knows about you, he's cool with it, ain't that great?!"
"Yes, it's great"
"So, when are you picking me up?"
"in a little bit, maybe around 8.30. I need to get ready first"
"Okay! Bye2"

"Ding dong"
Yuki push the door bell in hope to notify Nick about her arrival.
"Yukiiii I'm here let's gooo"
He opened the door, ran straight over to her car and sit right into the passenger seat.
Yuki walks slowly towards the driver seat and began driving to their university.
As they were on their way to the University, she hears Nick telling her about all kind of story about his new boyfriend. He even showed her how he looks like. The new boyfriend name is Rune, he's the same age as the both of us which is 25 years old. He has a big build and he stands tall at 6'5. He looks scary but Nick assures Yuki that he's not and Rune is very kind. Yuki gives Nick a small smile and nods to indicate her understanding.

As she pulls into the parking lot, her eyes caught the sight of a man similar to what Nick had showed her.
"Ah! Runeee" Nick waves his hand back and forth excitedly.
The man that's said to be Rune looks up from his phone and waves back towards Nick.
Yuki slowly parks her car in the parking lot and as she finishes Nick already ran out of the car straight towards Rune. She gets out the car and slowly collect her school stuff.
From afar she can see Nick gushing out to Rune about his morning, giving his cute smile generously towards the big man.
Yuki was planning to go straight to class but was cut short of her steps when she got called out by Nick.
"Yuki! Come here!"
Yuki goes towards Nick.
"Yuki, this is Rune, Rune this is Yuki!"
"Hello there yuki" a raspy deep voice greets her.
"Hi" she greets back.
Rune is tall, very tall. She had to look up to him physically.
"she seems to be a pretty puny girl, why does Nick date such a girl. I don't see any good point on her" a thought had formed in Rune's head.
"I've a class, gotta go now. Bye"
"Bye, Yuki!!"
Yuki walks towards the University building slowly getting out of Rune's field of vision.
"Why does he date her and why does she accept this relationship, owh well who cares what she thinks as long as I got Nick in my hand". Rune smiles to himself.
"Rune let's get to our class too!"
"Yes let's go"

"Why are you smiling?" Rune's thought was cut off by his friend, Leo.
"What's it to you?"
"oh come on mannn, ah is it Nick? huff you lucky man"
Rune smiles towards Leo. Leo shows off a disgusted expression.
"you know, how about we make them break up?" says Leo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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