Kame's Regrets

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Kame's Regrets

Back then he was always beside me. All I had to was look, and he was always smiling at me. Right now, only my vision of you appear beside me, when ever I look, you always disappear. Though we're bound by the same sky, why does it feel like you're far away everytime I stare at the sky. Every touch you made resides within me as a burn mark, tattooing your soul into my heart. How can you move on while I'm stuck at the place where you were last. What am I supposed to do from now on?

*Background music fades away as the fan grils screams get louder*

"Ok now for our last song, we're going to sing a somewhat nostalgic song we haven't sung for 3 years" said Nakamaru senpai glancing at me.            

"I think we last sang it when Jin was here, ne" mentioned Junno.

 "Well here it is, "Yorokobi no uta" shouted Ueda senpai.  

Fan girls screamed as the background music started.


-Aishiteru Aishiteru Sore igai mitsukaranai- I love you I love you other than that I can't find anything else

-Aishiteru Aishiteru Ikisaki wa doko demo ii- I love you I love you the destination does not matter -

-kono kisha de mieru mirai ni owarani uta- On this train a never ending song can be seen in the future

-ikiteru tada sore dake de Kimi to hashitte yukou- I live just to keep running with you...

*The song carries on as his thoughts surface his mind*

As the song started my mind filled with thoughts about him. I began remaniscing the days when we used to perform. We always stole glances at each other while saying "Aishiteru". That moment was blissful as I whole heartedly thought he was saying it to me. When ever we perform this song, I always wish for it to never end. I could sing my feelings embeded to this song hoping it would reach him. Once during the song he would come up to me and rustle my hair, sweetly whispering "aishiteru" and would smoothly dance his way out and reach out to the fans. He never realised that by whispering in my ear it could make me skip a heart beat, turning my face red. How hard it was not to blush infront of the crowd and without me realising I would laugh like crazy forgetting the lyrics. And now, you're not here to make me smile,  all I have is these memories that overfill me with joy.

...-Kie sou na kiss de atatamete Kyou wa koko de nemuru -The vanishing kiss still warms me up, I'll sleep here today

-honto no koe me ni mienai utsukushisa wo daite- The real voice that cannot be seen by the eyes embrace the beauty of it

-naki sou na toki wa omoidashite Chanto ore ga iru kara- When you're about to cry remember I will always be there

-zutto soba ni iru kara- Forever I will be by your side.

*Fan girls screams get louder*

I thought you will always be by my side but I guess I was wrong, huh.

"Thankyou everyone in the Tokyo Dome" Nakamaru senpai shouted

We bowed and headed back stage. We got changed and got in our van. I streched myself and relaxed, releasing a small yawn.

"well done everyone today, when we go home make sure to get proper rest ok. Tommorow 1.00pm we'll be boarding the plane for US" said our manager looking at us from the rear view mirror.

"still, we did pretty good today" said koki, putting his seat belt on.

"hmm.." I replied sleepily.

It took me while to return to reality, but I would be able to see you tommorow. Tommorrow, for sure, I'll see you. Kanarazu. I fell asleep with the memories of you still circling inside my head.

Next Morning, I woke up to find myself hearing all sorts of noises. everyone was rushing packing their last things before we go. I got ready slowly, I didn't have to worry because I packed everything the day before yesterday, all i had to do was pick up one last thing. I went to a private jewelery store.

"so, how was it did you fix it?" I asked anticipating for it.

"yes, it looks brand new actually" My eyes got bigger, smiling.

"really, lets see" I was like a girl waiting for a birthday present

"here it is" The necklace shined as he placed it on my hand.

"thankyou so much, you don't know how grateful I am" I was nearly in tears.

"don't mention it but won't you be late for your plane?"

"ah, yeah then I'm going" I put it on and felt complete as I headed towards the villa.

We finally boarded the plane. I sat down and looked out of the window.

"So, how does everyone feel?" asked the camera man.

"Excited" said junno rubbing his hands together warming himself up.

"ok, I guess" I replied.

We're shooting "Kat-Tun - Tour of the US 2011", so everything we're doing will be recorded, hopefully I can sneak out and find Jin. I started circling the pendant. This necklace was given to me by Jin for my 21st birthday. It has "KA" in capital block letters with a circle that moves around it. It was supposed to mean my name and his in Kat-Tun, but when we argued last time, I threw it on the floor and it broke. He got angry as it was special to him as it was to me. I regretted it. 2 months ago I gave it to repair it because when I arrived in the US I wanted to show him that it's fixed.

Our flight took 6 hours and finally we arrived. I got out and stared at the sky. Finally, I will be ale to see you. From today on, I will do everything to fix us, though I might hurt you once again I hope we can be together like once we were.


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