6.Molly what are you taking about

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I got up the next day at 6:00 and got on jeans and a powered by redstone shirt. After I ate breakfast I watched TV. "Shine are you ready for the bus" Seto called. "Why do I have to ride a bus" I asked. "Just please do it" he said. "Fine but can you come with me" I asked. "Fine" he said. We walked to the bus stop. "We are waiting for bus 76 (My bus number irl LOL) which should be here any time now" he said. Then bus 76 came I got on and sat down by Molly. "Hi" I said. "Hi. Hey what are you hiding from me" she said. Fudge. "What are you talking about" I asked. "Yesterday when you were talking to Goldsolace in the car" she said. "I don't know what you are talking about" I said. "Better tell me today" she said. "Molly I don't know what your talking about" I said. "Happy birthday" She said. "Thanks" I said. We hugged like nothing just happened. "Did you bring anything" she asked. "No but Brice said that he and Seto will bring something" I said. "So I will get to see Seto" she said shaking like crazy.

At school at lunch/ recess

"So what are you hiding" Molly asked. "Yeah what are you hiding" a Ginger boy said. "Nothing" I said. "I heard what you said to Goldsolace" Molly said. "What are you hiding" he said. I ran off.

At class when Seto and Brice comes

Seto came in with his hood up hiding his face but Brice was trying to make home take it off like children. "Fine" he said taking it off. I got up and took the cupcakes. "Shine pick someone to help you" Ms.Liz said. "You" I said pointing to a girl with brown hair and yellow eyes. "Alli. Are you sure Shins" Molly called. "Yup" I said. Alli stood up and helped me. After that we had some more. "Who is this" Ms.Liz asked pointing at Seto. "I'm Seto her other dad" he said. I took the first bite after they sung happy birthday. Me and Alli pasted out cupcakes to teachers.

After class is over still at school

"Shine come here" Ms.Liz said. "Yes" I said. "Alli told me that Molly and Dave was trying to get you to say something is that true" she asked. "Yes" I said. "OK" she said turning to her phone. "You may go now" she said.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed bye my peeps

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