Prologue: Enter ​Fuyumi Yuki

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In the Hidden Sound village late at night. The sound of a woman screaming could be heard. A woman in about maybe her late thirties or forties. It was a small village hidden in the Land of Rice paddies. A newly created village that outsiders don't know about.

"AHHHH!" A woman with long blue hair screamed in pain as tears started to build up in her eyes. 

"The baby almost here my dear, just hang in there," A man with pale skin, long raven hair, and golden snake eyes said. The man's name was no other than Orochimaru the snake Sannin.

"Shut up! Don't tell me to hang in there your not the one giving birth!" She yelled glaring at her lover.

Orochimaru faintly chuckled at her behavior. "Geez you're a rude pregnant woman," He muttered.

"What was that?" She asked glaring at him. He just his head saying it was nothing.

"Alright, just one more last push!" The doctor said.

The woman gave one more powerful push ready for her long nineteenth hours of labor to finally be over.

"Congratulations it's a girl!" The doctor congratulates the couple on their new baby girl.

 "A beautiful girl that what you were hoping for Koyuki," Orochimaru said as the doctor brought her over to his lover.

Koyuki smiles as she cradles her little girl in her arms. "Yea she's so beautiful. She has a mixture of both are hair colors. That beauty of hers is going to attract a lot of boys when she is older," She said smiling with tears of joy.

"Hey, she was just born don't talk boys yet. My beautiful golden eye snakelet too young for boys," Orochimaru stated with a dark aura around him.

"I'm joking relax Oro," She said chuckling at the protective side of him. She was just glad he wasn't going to use their daughter as an experiment. "Anyway, what do you think of the name Fuyumi Yuki?" She asked. 

"Fuyumi Yuki it's a beautiful name for my snakelet," He smiled even brighter. A bright smile he only truly showed around his lover.

Orochimaru then looked at his wife to notice she had a worried look on her face. "What is wrong Koyuki my dear?" He asked.

"It just what if someone finds out her. I mean you have a lot of enemies being a high-rank rouge ninja. What if they find out and try to kill her. Are they kidnap her and use her as a weapon?" Koyuki said concerned about their daughter's safety.

"Relax Koyuki stressing out after birth is bad for your health. Everything is going to be okay. Yes, I understand that people will be after her with her being my child, but as long as I'm around nothing will happen to her because they have to get through me first." 

"Right I feel much better now Oro," Koyuki said smiling at Orochimaru.

"Now get some rest, my dear. You must be exhausted from giving birth," Orochimaru said kissing Koyuki's forehead.

"Yeah I'm my love," She yawned laying back on her medical bed with her baby girl still in her arm.

"Rest well my two angels. I'm going to find Kabuto or one of my other medics in the hideout to fix my hand you injured squeezing too hard," He said smiling at his wife and baby girl while rubbing his red hand.

"Oh I'm so sorry let me heal It for you," She said starting to sit back up.

"No, you continue resting. Kabuto can heal it for me he probably waking still. Knowing that kid he probably doing some research in the library," He said using his other hand to make her lay back down, before walking out of the medical ward. Ignoring his wife's complaints about her not being too weak to heal his hand.

'She sure can complain yet that one of the things I love about her.' He thought shutting the door and going to find Kabuto to fix his hand.

To be continued...

The picture above doesn't belong to me. Just a picture I found and decided to use for the chapter as a baby picture of Fuyumi Yuki.

Also, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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