Chapter 11

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The home was a traditional japanese country house with a small pond that was filled with koi fishes and turtles. The home had only 2 rooms, a living room that also works as a dining room. The second room was a bedroom with two floor futon mats. The entire house was made of bamboo and wood with sliding doors to separate the rooms. Everything about the house expressed relaxation.

Around back and a few feet across from the house was the bathroom, an outhouse. Beside the house was a small stone that worked as a fireplace to cook.

Surrounded the house was bright green grass with occasional dark gray rocks. Tall and thin bamboos and trees made the house all the more peaceful.

"I'll sleep in the living room." Aizawa took off his shoes before stepping onto the porch to sit inside the living room.

"Are you sure? The bedroom has a small heater."

"If you're worried about me being cold, dont. I'll be fine."

While you took of your own shoes, Aizawa pulled out his futon to the living and laid it down. You walked passed him and placed your bag of things to the corner of the bedroom.

"Are you really sleeping right now? It's the middle of the afternoon."

"I'm not sleeping. Just resting my eyes."

He pulled up the thick, cushioned blanket and turned over on his left, facing the wall and his back towards you.

Grey clouds crawled across the gloomy grey sky. Heavy rain followed closely behind and the bright greenery sadden under the rain. You pulled out a blanket and went out to the porch, placing one of the few pillows down on the cold porch you sat down and watched as the rain slowly arrived to the house.

The rain rolled down the roof and aligned as it went over, making a blanket of rain. You were glad you had arrived at this time, not really for the fact that you would have been caught in the rain but because you were in such a beautiful house that you were lucky enough to enjoy the rain.

On the ride here, Aizawa had informed you that Fatgum and his interns was sent to watch over your family. You knew your mom would be having the time of her life, knowing that she could feed such a large mouth. Endeavor offered a few of his interns to send to the hospital to avoid attending Fatgum with your family.

Lastly, Aizawa and you were sent out to this house where you could remain under the Red Snakes radar. Heroes, Midnight and Present Mic was sent out to scout the hideout. They would be staying with you but you find it difficult on how they plan on sleeping in a small house made for one.

A thunder snapped and your body shot up with alarm. It struck somewhere afar. The rain poured harder and it started to sound like a rough song created by a person with mixed emotions. 

Two individuals emerged from the foggy trees on your right side. For a moment your body froze and tensed up when the sound of the trees rustling was louder than the rain. It was Midnight and Present Mic, they had just returned from scouting the location of the Red Snakes. Mic was more frantic then Midnight, hollering and panicking about the rain ruining his amazing hair. Midnight rolled her eyes and tossed the large plastic bundle of fabric onto the porch and stepped up. Mic was quick to get out of his damped hero clothes to take the shower first. The wet clothes laid across the entrance to the home and Aizawa woke up to yell at Mic to not be running through the house all wet. 

Midnight laughed and started to strip down being cautious as to not activate her quirk. You went inside the house, leaving the blanket out on the porch. You returned with a towel and a mat for Midnight. She gave you a smile and sat down with the towel wrapped around her body. Pulling the big bag to her side she pulled out a small, brown bag and fished inside for a large red bean paste filled bun. It was still warm when you bit into the soft bread and creamy paste. 

"It's not much but tomorrow we could get some fresh groceries." Midnight smiled and rose her hand. 

Aizawa popped out of the house with a blanket dragging off of his body. He sat on your other side and bit into the bun. 

"It's so strange to not have a refrigerator."

Both Midnight and Aizawa shrugged.

Aizawa looked up at the clouds, they had gotten darker. "Fresh ingredients make the meals better."

"I guess but it could get expensive."

Midnight agreed with that statement while pulling out her own red bean bun. The bun warmed the bodied. 

Once Mic was done, Midnight switched out, giving him the bag and heading off to the shower. Mic took a large bite and Aizawa yelled at him to watch himself when Mic coughed harshly. You chuckled and covered your mouth before they could catch a red bean appearing on your lips. 

"You two have history?"

Mic smiled. "We went to U.A together and stayed buddies."

Aizawa sighed and buried himself in the blanket with the bun underneath his mouth. "Like I had a choice.. you wouldn't leave me alone."

The two started going at it like an old marry couple and soon enough the time passed and you were still stuck outside, in the rain, and in between the boys. Midnight had remained inside, making herself a cup and tea and going over a few paperwork. It was getting dark when the grey clouds sunk into the black sky and the rain settled down to a soft sprinkle. The thunderstorms stopped but the wind arrived and you left the two boys to bicker as you joined Midnight. 

She had convinced the boys to share the bedroom to build up body heat since the nights in the countryside can get very cold. Midnight has double checked with you if you were comfortable with sharing a room with the boys and you nodded. It didn't bother you because you didn't care so you were cool with the idea. Plus deep down you didn't like the idea of letting the boys sleep in the living room until the mission was over since the living room got colder than the bedroom.

"Hey there cherry top," Midnight's smile gave you a warm feeling. Or maybe that was the heater that ushered you to close the door and sit beside her. "Tired of the old couple?"

You shrugged. "They are really good friends."

"All three of us went to school together."

"Really? I also only have two close friends."

Midnight placed down her cup of tea and fixed the papers into one neat stack. A lot of notes was written across the paper and she placed them into a binder and shoved it to the side. 


"It might be summer but I still have plenty to grade."

"Oh you're a teacher?"

"Yes, Mic and Eraserhead are also teachers."

"Wow, I never knew."

The door swung open and Mic gave a loud shrill before pulling out his mat. Eraserhead was right behind him with the blanket around his body, his face and a little bit of his hair was only visible. The room was small and therefore the sleeping arrangement was tight. There was a small spacing between the mats, enough to step comfortable to and from the rooms. However, if you usually wake up drowsy then one wrong step you could trip on the mats and fall over on someone. 

Eraserhead was across from you on you left, facing him would be awkward but you knew he didn't care. Midnight was above of you and Mic was across of you, above. The room was very warm and Midnight lowered the heater down. As everyone got comfortable, you made eye contact with Aizawa. The stare was mesmerizing for you. As well as for him. 

He liked the small smile you flashed at him and the small wave half hidden from inside the blanket, the wave followed with the cute smile. Aizawa responded to with a nod and laid down. To ensure that you were gonna be respected, Aizawa decided to flip over in his mat and faced the wall. 

The nod made the situation seem embarrassing on your end. A wave being followed by a nod was unusual to you and he didn't even smile which made it weird. Him facing the wall after that gesture, you first thought he didn't like you. Not that you expected him to smile or hug and show every sign that he was compassionate. That wasn't him but you at most expected him to do that weird waves that some people do when they obvious don't want a conversation. 

The room got dark and the sound of the rain became soothing. Sinking deeper into the mat and blanket you flipped over and faced the wall. 

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