Not Your Typical Duchess

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Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell wasn't born into an aristocrat family but she came from a quite ordinary family on Planet Earth but her father, Benjamin Lawrence was an educated man who came from a proud family that came from Wessex, England and with his wife, Colleen Stanton, their ancestors sailed from England, Scotland, and France to avoid religious prosecution from both The Puritans, Roman Catholics, and Presbyterians that governed England, Scotland and France, and they left Europe in 18th century and sailed for brave new land called The United States of America.

The first Lowell's settled in the South Carolina and they traveled south onto to Alabama , Tennessee, and Florida as well and they made their home there. 

Robert Lowell was the grandfather of Benjamin Lawrence Lowell and he married Mary Elizabeth Johnson and together they had Benjamin Luke Lowell and he eloped with Myrtle Collars who was 15 years younger than he was, but he was a determined man and he loved her and she loved him against her father and mother's wishes she married him to they build a family together first arrive was their eldest son, Benjamin Lawrence, followed by James Robert, followed Mary Elizabeth, followed Benjamin Luke JR and finally Herman Rupert.

All of Benjamin Luke's son were educated and served their country during the war but at price,  his eldest son, Benjamin Lawrence met his wife, Matte Colleen Stanton via his sister, Mary Elizabeth as they were both born in 2225, and Benjamin Lawrence was mesmerized by Matte Colleen as she was dating his younger brother, Benjamin Luke JR at the time, but he stole her away from his younger brother, Benjamin Luke JR in 2242, and he married her on May 22, 2243 against her mother's wish as they were Southern Baptists and he wasn't but he was from a Southern Methodist background, but Colleen's father, Edgar Lenwood   Stanton signed the paperwork for them to marry but his wife never forgave her husband.

Together they started their family, a son was born in 2244, name Benjamin Lawrence JR, followed by Stanton King , followed by a daughter, Lawreen Cotlliaire, followed by Karissa Elizabeth Ann, followed by Anna Colleen and finally their last children was another son, Cameron Montgomery in 2265.

Tragedy hit Karissa Elizabeth's Lowell's family starting in 2266, with the death of maternal grandfather, followed by her eldest brother, followed by paternal grandfather, followed by her maternal grandmother, well in 2268, after her paternal grandfather died, nuclear war hit the United States and due to side effects of radiation it claimed most of her family one by one she saw them die in front of her eyes along with her beloved fiance, Roy L. Mock.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann became an orphan and she was taking in by relatives , but in 2270 they could no longer provide for her as they were more concerned for their own children and they found out by the United Federation of Planet relocation program and they arranged for her to be transported to one of the Star Bases.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell chose Star Base 12 and with that she packed up what she could in her suitcases on January day in 2270, she boarded the USS Republic in California with 499 other young people.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell with her suitcases in her hands climbed out of the car that took to California where the USS Republic was stationed and she walks to The USS Republic at the age of 15. She boards the USS Republic with the other 499 young people headed for a brave new world and land after their beloved United States has been ruined by corrupted men who couldn't live in peace.

A yeoman helps Karissa to settle into her quarters and tells her, "We have a library, a music room, recreation room,  a commissionaire for you to use during your journey. We have a fine mess hall that serves three meals a day and we also have a garden." Yeoman Rand tells her.

"I am your yeoman for the journey, if you need anything please let me know." Yeoman Rand tells her and with that she leaves Karissa to settle into her quarters for the four year journey that will take her to Star Base 12.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Duchess of Sussex TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now