"You want to be like your mum but you'll settle for Professor Snape or Dumbledore? You and I have very different expectations of ourselves. I'd settle for Lockhart's magic ability." Beatriz nodded with a smile on her face as she flicked over to the next page.

"Look, I drew them." A group of familiar people were seen with vibrant orange faces. Every single professor at Hogwarts, aside from one or two who were recent additions, stood on the piece of paper.

"Who's that?" A short, scowling orange blob had stood off to the side with eyebrows through their hairline.

"Professor Rainbow. She was the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor a few years ago now. Not a very happy sausage that one. She tried to make me serve detention because I was running in the corridors, I was about six years old. Mum flew off the handle and when Dumbledore didn't take Rainbow's side she handed in her resignation. No one liked her though, students would throw their dinner at her when she wasn't looking. Professors never seemed to see who did it." Imy silently laughed to herself as she heard the story.

"And who's this?" Beatriz closely watched the page before her jaw dropped and she smiled slightly.

"Professor Quirrell. He used to teach Muggle Studies before he took a year out. He wanted to find himself, instead, he found You-Know-Who. I liked him though, whenever I would go for a walk around the grounds Professor Quirrell would smile and give me a sweet. Even if he knew that mum was looking for me. It was like Quirinus was a new man when he came back in our first year, I guess he was a new man in a way." Faces were studied closely as the Gryffindors busied themselves for a moment.

"Why did Professor Snape have this book?" Imy asked as she flicked over to the next page.

"I grew up in Hogwarts. He used to look after me when mum was busy. Once, Professor Snape took me into the Forbidden Forest to get some potion ingredients. I wasn't very old but I can remember it. I'm surprised he didn't just leave me behind when I fell over, a wolf pack found us and we nearly died. Not that I ever told mum. Hogwarts is supposed to be really safe but I was always doing something that could get me killed." Beatriz smiled as she examined the notes she had made as a child.

"Why would Professor Snape look after you?" Imy asked curiously as she turned yet another page.

"I don't know. But, if I'm honest, I think he's always had a bit of a weakness for me. He watched me grow up and with a mother like mine, I was always polite. Only because it got me out of trouble if I minded my ps and qs. Anyway, it's time for dinner."

"Ps and qs?" The book was slipped away as the pair stood together and rearranged their uniform, smartening themselves up.

"Yeah, it means to mind your manners. Mum used to say it all the time. If I asked for salt, she would tell me that I had to mind my ps and qs. I would only be given the salt if I said please and then thanked them. Otherwise, I would lose salt privileges." Beatriz reminisced as the pair found their way to the Great Hall. Students had already begun to eat and the arrival of two more Gryffindors went completely unnoticed.

Chicken, pie, gravy and dessert had all been consumed by the time Beatriz and Imy had finished their food. The Great Hall was almost empty as they had arrived later than was usual. Staff and students had begun their return to their rooms as the night grew darker. "Oy, did you do this?" Filch's voice echoed from down the corridor, making the two girls stop in their tracks.

"Did we do what?" Purring radiated down the hall as both girls watched a man with a hunched back approach them. His hand held a lantern that weakly flickered in the dark corridor as red eyes ran up to them from the cat who was firmly planted on the floor.

"There are muddy puddles in the corridor. You two did it. I know you did." Three sets of eyes fell to the floor around them, no mud coated the floor or their shoes. Filch seemed unmoved as both girls soon turned to meet one another's eye, trying not to laugh at the absurd situation.

"I'm sorry but it wasn't us, we've just come from dinner. I haven't been outside today at all. I don't think Imy has either." A gruff sound left the man as he heard Beatriz's words.

"Liars. You deserve detention, you should be punished. If Dolores was still here she would have let me shackle you up in the dungeon." The air caught at the back of Beatriz's throat as she heard him utter their old professor's name.

"Umbridge nearly killed my mum, forgive me if I don't miss her. However, shackles in the dungeon sound a little kinky." Imy laughed, despite herself, as Beatriz managed to fight her laugh down, the echo of steps followed down the corridor as multiple individuals approached them.

"What sounds kinky?" Imy had folded over as she heard the echo of Professor Flitwick's squeaky voice. Neither girl dared respond as they tried not to laugh even more at the absurd situation that they had found themselves in. "Miss Urquart, Miss Johnson, I will require an answer to my question." Clearing her throat as laughter emerged once again, Beatriz mustered up all of her courage as tears of joy clouded her eyes.

"Shackles in the dungeon, Professor." Pursing his lips, the sight of the other three heads of house emerged from the dark corner close to Filch.

"And why would you think to say such a thing?" A smile had dared to branch on Flitwick's face as he fought to remain calm and in control of himself.

"Filch accused us of spreading mud through the corridor, he said that if Dolores was here he would have been allowed to use shackles on us, in the dungeon." Four reproachful glances darted across to Filch who coward away from them.

"They did it, there is mud all over the floor." Eyes glanced across to the marks on the floor as he pointed to the offending area, a few metres away from where the girls stood. Professors soon glanced at the clean shoes that both girls wore.

"Perhaps, Argus, these two are telling the truth. They have only just left the Great Hall, so unless they mastered time travel or apparition within the walls of Hogwarts, they couldn't have gotten muddy and travelled here in this time." Filch soon slunk off towards the mud as he grumbled to himself. "As for you Beatriz Isobel Urquart, what on earth came over you? I do not think it is appropriate to utter such words. Are you asking for detention?"

"Not unless it's tomorrow evening. And I am serious about this, I will happily serve detention with any of you tomorrow night." Beady eyes narrowed at her daughter as the other three members of staff waited to start walking again.

"And why would that be?" Beatriz licked her lips and looked around her, checking that the coast was clear.

"Anything to get out of this Slug Club Christmas meal tomorrow. I don't know how many more hours I can spend talking about my grades and what it's like growing up at Hogwarts. I think he thinks that Dumbledore is secretly my dad as well, he keeps asking if I am as gifted as the Headmaster." McGonagall sighed to herself as she shook her head and bid farewell to her daughter. Just as the staff made their way to the end of the corridor, Flitwick's squeaky voice echoed out once again.

"Charms is your last lesson tomorrow, Miss Urquart, perhaps you ought to stay behind and serve detention with me. Your behaviour yesterday wasn't appropriate and tonight wasn't any better. Goodnight." Beatriz clenched her fists in excitement as a smile spread onto her face.

"Yes!" Beatriz loudly broadcast, loud enough for the retreating staff to hear her.

"Oh really, Filius, she can't have everything she wants." McGonagall's stern voice echoed down the corridor as they approached an empty classroom that neither Gryffindor student had ever entered before.

"What else is an uncle for? I can still remember how you used to treat your nieces and nephews Minerva."

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