"Good. Did father say anything?"

"He had sent us a stock of new weapons"

Jimin,"Also,government is forcing us to surrender to that woman because of the mall incident. Few normal people had been injured"

Namjoon smirked." Do you really think they want us to surrender? They are trying to stay in the middle in order to not get affected by this war. If they happen to lose us,they very well know what will happen to the country. They can't swim in the black sea without us"

They are the players. The riders. Worriers.

"Let's begin the ending scene"

Hoseok spinned his knife and stabbed in the middle of the map. An eerie smile decorated his face.

"I am in too" Seo joon snapped looking at both Eunwoo and Bom. "My girlfriend is still there. Do I have to wait like a pathetic loser?"

Bom smirked."Bitch,when did I ever say no to you"

"Of course you have to join either you like it or not. We still need a bait in case of an emergency" Eunwoo said with an eye roll.

Seo joon glared at him because of his not so laughable joke.

Bom ignored their Tom and Jerry fight and looked at the plan of their base camp mansion in her phone. The mansion is in Jun Jihyun's hands. She is still their with her friends keeping as hostages.

Bom got to know her brothers' plan. So somewhat she is relieved. She knew that that crazy woman will not touch her friends until she catch bom and bangtan.

She immediately started to draw the plan of the mansion in a large paper. She paused for a moment remembering about Jin. She shook her head and started to draw. But she couldn't help when a tear fell onto the paper. She still didn't cry. She looked at her side to see Taehyung. She again shook her head. You can't be weak Bom. Fight for them. Nothing will happen. I will never let anything happen. I will die before them if anything happen to them.

She felt a two hands on both of her shoulders.

"You are not alone. Let's end this" Eunwoo's stern voice came from behind.

Seo joon,"Yes,we will do this"

Bom stood up from her chair and looked at them."I want you guys to promise me something "

They nodded signalling her to continue.

"Stay alive no matter what"

Eunwoo and seo joon looked at each other before looking at Bom with a smile.

"We will"

Seo joon messed her hair."Piggy, don't worry. I will definitely stay alive. Because I will be bored in heaven without you to bug me"

Suddenly he gasped feeling himself flying backwards with a pain on his chest. Eunwoo stood infront of Bom with crossed arms." Stop flirting with her. You have a girlfriend "

Bom and Seo joon scoffed in unison. Seo joon fixed his coat. He looked at Eunwoo's gloomy expression. He knew that he wanted to be Bom alone. It's been days since both of them had an alone time. "I will go and grab some snacks. I am hungry" he slowly slipped away.

Bom sighed and turned to continue her work. But got stopped by Eunwoo. He held her wrist not letting her grab the pencil.

"That's enough for today. You need rest"

"I can't. There is a lot to--"

He picked her up in bridal style stopping her in the mid sentence.

Mafia step brothers 2Where stories live. Discover now