Book 21|| "So Far Yet So Near"

13 1 4

Originality: 10/10

Spelling and Grammar: 9.3/10

Character Development: 10/10

Overall Quality: 10/10


I thought that so far, from what I have read, it was a sweet story. I feel so far it is pretty original, but I don't really know this fandom.

For the character development, I think you developed his character well.

I did notice some grammatical issues with the story, but it was mostly run-ons.

What is a run-on? It looks like something like this:

I went to the store and I bought milk.

Although there may seem like there's nothing wrong with this sentence (I could reword this sentence, but my brain isn't working at the moment), there is. The problem is that they are two complete sentences that are combined with an "and," which is also known as a fanboy and a coordinate conjunction.

What can I do to help fix this mistake? Using a comma before the "and!" This usually helps, but sometimes, depending on the sentence, it would be better to use a period.

It would help to have someone review it, or you could review it on your own. It was hard for me to get used to this grammar, but don't worry. It will become second nature once practicing it more and more.

I want to apologize for the long wait. I had a ton of things happening. Thank you so much for your patience. (I am also sorry for the short review.)

I have really enjoyed it so far. (^^)

Read the story by Fantastiasco

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