"I would be leaving one monster just to be trapped with another monster. At least this way while Victor is in prison he can't physically control me". 

"You will regret that decision Alec", Camille said and tried to move closer to Alec but Magnus blocked her path. 

"I won't let you hurt him", Magnus said with a growl. 

Camille wanted to ignore Magnus and take Alec anyway, but she knew how powerful Magnus was. And felt it would be better to wait until Alec was alone. Camille knew that Alec was gay and wouldn't love her romantically. But Camille didn't care, she wasn't in love with Alec she just wanted him for her pleasure. 

A male omega was very rare after all, she knew her precious Caramel was an omega too. But Simon was just as well protected as Alec was. Camille felt her desire more for Simon as she sired him, but hurting Alec would hurt Magnus. And Camille wanted to hurt Magnus for rejecting her. And she wasn't ashamed to admit that Alec was extremely attractive and would satisfy her for now. 

Camille smirked, "Fine but this isn't over. I also hear congratulations are in order, but good luck marrying an already mated omega. Society will never accept you and I'm sure you will lose your position as High Warlock Magnus", Camille said and a warlock suddenly appeared to teleport Camille away. 

Alec breathed a sigh of relief feeling glad Camille was gone. But his heart sank knowing she would not help them. There was no way he would give himself up to Camille. "Are you okay Magnus?" 

"I should be the one asking you that, she tried to force you to be her omega". 

"I'm a little shaken but I will be okay, I'm just worried that seeing her again could have triggered bad memories for you Mags". 

Magnus looked away, "I'll admit that seeing her was upsetting for me, but I felt safe with you by my side. I knew you would stop her if she tried anything". 

While Alec was furious with Camille for upsetting Magnus, he felt touched that Magnus entrusted his safety to him. This was another way on the never ending list that Magnus was different from other alphas. Most alphas would never let an omega protect them, let alone admit that they felt safer with their omega protecting them. As they were too prideful and old fashioned. 

"I would do anything to protect you from her", Alec said.

Magnus felt his heart warm at Alec's words, "That means so much to me darling". 

"About what Camille said, could you really lose your High Warlock position because of me?" Alec said feeling terrible. 

Magnus gently leant his forehead against Alec's, "It is a possibility, but you mean so much more to me. You are worth it". 

"But you love your job, I can't be the reason you could lose it"

"It wouldn't be your fault Alexander, it would be the close minded warlock's fault. I would never blame you if it did happen". Alec still looked guilty making Magnus hate Camille more. He decided to change the subject to take Alec's mind off it. 

 "I need to do a sweep of this apartment and heighten the security with my magic. I still don't understand how Camille's warlock friend got in here". 

Alec was still feeling worried, though Magnus said he wouldn't blame Alec what if after time passed Magnus started to resent him and not want him anymore. Alec tried to push that thought out of his mind. 

"Okay I'll make us some coffee and get us some biscuits, we need it after that confrontation". Alec used to force himself to never eat sweets or biscuits because it had been drilled into him by his parents. And Alec was afraid that he would lose his fitness and stamina, but over time Magnus had encouraged Alec to eat sweets when he discovered this and now Alec felt more comfortable having a treat more often. 

Later that afternoon after asking Catarina to protect Alec in case Camille came back, Magnus portalled to the prison keeping Victor. Magnus had to control himself, as much as he wanted to lash out at Victor he couldn't or he wouldn't be allowed back to see Victor. 

Victor grinned at Magnus, "I wasn't expecting a visit from you. I would rather see my omega". 

Magnus' hands clenched into fists, "He isn't your omega anymore, I don't care that he has your bite. You gave it to him against his will, he doesn't want to be yours". 

"That doesn't matter to me. I gave Alec the bite so he belongs to me and as you can't give Alec the bite without killing him you can't claim him as yours". 

"Victor please let Alec go, if you agree to tell us how to safely give Alec another mating bite we will work out a deal. Maybe lessen your sentence". 

Victor scoffed, "The only thing I want is Alec, so there is nothing you could offer me. And I don't believe you would even give me anything in return". 

Magnus shape shifted to look like Alec, "What if I let you kiss me looking like Alexander?" Magnus felt guilty for offering that knowing it would just further Victor's obsession but there was nothing Magnus could do to stop Victor being obsessed.

Victor looked like he was about to agree but unfortunately he changed his mind, "Tempting offer, but it won't be nearly the same as kissing the real Alec". 

"I wish I could kill you right now for torturing Alexander last night", Magnus growled as he shape shifted back to his own appearance. 

"But you can't, even if Alec didn't want me the pining sickness will still affect him. He has my bite and because of that his biology will work against him and he will die of a broken heart. How about you give me something belonging to Alec and I will point you in the right direction? Preferably a shirt Alec loves to wear". 

Magnus knew that Victor was right and hated it, he felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought of it. But chided himself, it wasn't Alec's fault that he would pine for Victor. His biology would force him to. Magnus didn't want to give him Alec's shirt knowing the creep would do something he didn't want to think about with it. But Camille was the only other lead they had and she wouldn't help them. 

"Fine", Magnus said reluctantly and portalled back to his apartment in New York to get one of Alec's shirts. He could have gone back to the one they were staying at for their holiday, but he didn't want Alec to find out what he was doing. It would creep Alec out to know Victor had his shirt and Magnus wanted to spare him that. 

Magnus was able to fit the shirt through the bars, Victor snatched it up and brought it to his face and sniffed it deeply making Magnus angry. But Magnus had to restrain himself to get answers. "There I gave you his shirt now you owe me something". 

Victor rolled his eyes condescendingly, but he reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. "This necklace is very precious to Camille, she is the only alpha I know of that had an omega who was able to have another alpha's bite.  If you offer it to her she will be more willing to help you". 

Magnus grabbed the necklace before Victor could take it back. Victor didn't seem to know Magnus already knew this about Camille's omega and Magnus was glad as that meant Victor didn't have bugs in his apartment. 

Magnus remembered this necklace, Camille used to wear it all the time. It had an elaborate rose pendant that looked beautiful. Magnus had always wondered why it was so important to Camille. But she always refused to tell him. Magnus wasn't happy at the thought of having to see Camille again but he would do anything for Alec. 

"I wouldn't bother trying though, I will break out of here and Alec will be my omega!" Victor called after Magnus as he teleported out of the prison. 

Victor grinned to himself, Magnus didn't know he had someone working for him secretly in the prison. Victor knew that if Magnus was too busy trying to get Camille to help him, now was the perfect chance to go after Alec while Magnus wasn't with him. Victor secretly alerted his ally and the plan was set in motion. 

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