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~Wanda 28 weeks pregnant~

I wake up to the sunlight to see that Peter not next to me. I try to quickly get up and look for Peter but, I forget that I have a big belly. After a few minutes I finally got up I then smell waffles and bacon! I walked out of my room into the kitchen.

"Is that waffles and bacon?" I asked "Yes and I have your plate" Steve said hand me a plate. "Thank youuu" I said as I started eating. "Hey Tony are we still going to that restaurant after Pete graduation?" I asked as Tony walk in the kitchen "How did yo-never mind. Yes and I rented the whole restaurant so none can bother us." Tony then sat next to me "How's Elizabeth doing?" Tony asked "She healt-ooo" I grab the counter as I held my belly "Wanda are you okay?" Tony asked as everyone turn their attention towards me. "Yeah she just a kicker" I responded "Can I?" he asked "Yeah it's fine" Tony then touch my belly. "Wow she is a kicker" I giggled at the comment Tony then remove his hand from my belly. "Ok everyone get ready Peter graduation ceremony starts in 3 hours." pepper said as she walks into the kitchen. "Wanda come with me so I can help you get ready"pepper said as I get out of my chair to follow her.

We walked into the room into my private bathroom. "Ok after you take a shower just put on the robe"pepper said as she handed me a robe then she left into my bedroom. After I get out of the shower I went into my room. Pepper started to do my makeup and gave me a dress to put on as she left the room. I put on the dress and look at myself in the mirror

"I'm done"I yelled at pepper came back into the room with flats and high heels. "Which one?"she asked I point to the flats she gave me the flats as I tried to put them on. "You need help?" "Yeah"I responded as I breathe heavily. Pepper walked over to me and help me put on my flat. After she helped me put on my shoes we left the room and into the living room to see everybody waiting.

"About time everybody ready to go?"Tony asked everyone nodded and we went downstairs to the car and drove to midtown high.

We arrived at midtown to see a lot of people waiting to get to the football field. We find a parking spot and get out as people started swarming up asking for autographs, photos, etc. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see a guy "Who's the dad?" he asked in a rude tone "That's none of your business" I said in a harsh tone as I walk away I hear him say "Slut" I ignored him. 'Calm down Wanda you can't kill someone on Peter graduation' I thought as I took a deep breath. We finally got out of the crowd and made our way into the building, the principal gave us a private area to watch the ceremony.

We sat in the chair what seems like forever then the ceremony started. They started calling the graduate name, when they called Peter me and the avengers starting cheering and yelling his name trying to get his attention. "Peter I love youu!!" I yelled finally getting his attention he smiled at me as he continues to walk across the stage.

After the ceremony was over it I quickly got up to go looking for Peter. I walked into the crowd of people looking for Peter. I see him looking around searching until he laid eyes on me. I ran to him and hug him making sure to I wasn't crushing my belly. I kiss him passionately not caring the looks we were getting. "Congratulations" I said breathing  heavily breaking the kiss "Oh Elizabeth kicked today" I said excitement in my voice "Really?" Peter then touch my belly and as on cue she kicked. "She must know that it you Peter" I said giggling "I love you both so much" Peter said in astonishment. "And we love you to"I said as Peter cup my cheek and kiss me.

"Can you stop kissing we are right here" Clint said annoyed. We both laughed as we broke off the kiss. "Congratulations son" Tony said "Thanks dad" Peter said as he hug Tony. After more congratulations we started to take pictures. "Wanda, Peter we need to take a picture of you to" Nat said Peter hold my side as I hold his degree she took the photo and we went to go look at it "Yep definitely a keeper" I said "Okay guy we need to go now or we'll miss our reservations, who am I kidding I bought the entire place" Tony said as everyone get in the car.

We make it to the restaurant and sat down at the table. We all went around and ordered our food. "So Peter what are you going to do since you graduated?" Steve asked "Well I'm going to go to college and take care of Wanda" Peter responded. "Peter can you help me I need to use the bathroom?" I asked "Yeah come on" Peter said if you lead me to the bathroom.

Once we entered the bathroom room. I started kissing Peter passionately, he broke off the kiss "What are you doing? I mean I like it just-" I interrupted him "Want to give you a gift and make you feel good" I said as I got on my knees and pull down his pants. "Wanda we can do this at home" he said a little panic "Will be fine as long as you don't be loud" I said seductively as I pull down his boxes and his erect member.

I started moving my face towards. I licked the head teasingly. The pre-cum that had accumulated from the teasing. It was salty, but at the same time sweet. I continue to lick tentatively, I could feel the veins pulsing that excited me. Soon I started sucking on his member, I heard the groans from Peter as her try to be quiet. I  am shock as I could feel the head of Peter member hitting my throat I then hear a knock the door.

"Peter are you and Wanda okay?" Nat asked I continue to suck but more faster. "Where fine. What do you need?"Peter asked trying to change the subject "The food done so hurry up" Nat said as she walks away I continue to suck harder and faster. He comes into my mouth I don't know why but I swallows it. "Did you just-" Peter started but I interrupted him "Can you help me up and we need to get back"I said as he helps me up I go to the sink to rinse my mouth out. We then return to the table as we continue enjoy the night.
Quote of today
I believe there is a hero. In all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us Noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the things we want most. Even our dreams.
-Peter Parker/ Spider-Man 🕷️

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Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day

Until next time my chicken nuggets 🤗

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