"could you get me a glass of water?"

"okay" I handed her a glass of water later. Then Nayeon told me, "why are you giving her? I asked for it"

"oh, I'm sorry" I apologised but Nayeon snatched the glass of water which obviously caused a spill.

"yah!" Jeongyeon scolded Nayeon, "y/n clean this!"

I stood back up and went to get a vacuum. When I came back, they were shocked that I got this instead of a towel. Obviously they were.

I took out the bottom of the vacuum and replace it with a transparent sucker. The girls then moved aside and I started vacuuming the wet area.

They were so-called mesmerized by the fact that the vacuum is sucking up the water from the couch and I found it very adorable.

Afterwards, I went to keep the vacuum back.

"y/n, it's still wet!"

I playfully rolled my eyes and walked back to them, "obviously" as I took that part of the couch and hang it outside to dry since the sun was still up.

I went to drink some of water but they went, "y/n! we still want our water"

"they're doing this on purpose aren't they" I thought to myself. I then gave them each their waters.

"have we ever told you that you were annoying?" Jeongyeon said.

"it's only the second day and they are already like this" I thought to myself.

"I don't get what's so great about you" Jeongyeon said.

"right, she acts like she's our friend. Did she really think that we meant it?" Nayeon said and the two of them laughed.

"did you think I was serious?" a tear then fell from my eye and I held in the pain.

"y/n?" it was jihyo. I didn't want to show my weak side so I didn't dare to look at her.


"pabo" she whispered and she walked away.

I wiped my tears away and continued my other duties that I had to do.

For the rest of day, it continued, "y/n!" "y/n!" "y/n!" "y/n!" , not only was it annoying but they even acted like babies. They started to whine and with Jihyo, she adds on the noise.

Yes, I agree that she has a baby face but this is just..

I have dealt with similar encounters but even babies know when to shut up.

"they are just playing with me" I thought to myself.

It was night time now and the girls were doing their night skincare routine.

Nayeon pov:

I was almost done with my skincare routine when y/n suddenly came in.

"yah! don't you know how to knock?"

"you left your door open" she said.

"yeah, and still knock please! omg" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, will do. I just wanted to check up on you"

"for what?"

"You are clumsy"

"am not!"

who does she think she is? If this is her way of getting back at us, it won't work. We'll make it hell for you.

"yes, you are. You spilled water on the couch"

"that was an accident"

"still defines clumsy"

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