Chapter Three

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Joe rested on a striped lawn chair by the pool. The summer sun beat down on his chest. He draped his white t-shirt across the arm as he reclined backward. Under his watchful eye, the boys splashed, screeching delightfully as the water hit their faces.

He winced as Frank cannonballed into the pool, splashing everyone within the vicinity and inciting laughter from the kids. His brother's juvenile playfulness could be as frustrating as it was entertaining.

"FRANK!" Val scolded, standing poolside coated in water droplets.

Frank shrugged aloofly, "Sorry, sis. Sit by the pool, expect to get wet."

Joe shook his head at the absurdity of the situation as Val threw a few pool floaties at Frank.

Heaving, Frank finally returned to Joe's side.

"Hey! You should come out with me tonight. Lisa's friend is having a birthday party and I think you'd really like her. I can pick you up on my way," Frank offered.

"No." Joe replied plainly.

His brother tried weekly to set him up with a friend-of-a-friend and Joe didn't see the appeal. He'd succumbed to Frank's nagging before and the date went disastrously wrong. It didn't take him long to realize that the women Frank hung around were young college kids with no commitments and he had nothing in common with them. They weren't interested in scheduling dates around his children's schedule and he couldn't fault them for it. He wouldn't have wanted to spend his college years being a step-parent either.

Frank rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of Joe's chair.

"Joey, come on," he pleaded. "Do you really think Neil would want you to do this? You're going to have to start living your life."

Though Frank could be blithe at times, he had a soft heart and wanted Joe to regain some happiness. He knew that a new partner would never replace Neilia, but he was desperate to see his brother find love again - his entire family was.

Joe sighed, "It's not like I'm not trying but I don't want to force it. It's not like I have an abundance of time between work and the boys... and it's hard to find someone who is willing to take on two kids."

"You're so immersed in them, and I get it. You should be. But you have to take some time out for yourself too, whaddya say? It'll be fun."

"I can't."

"Joe." Frank narrowed his eyes. "When was the last time you even did it?"

"Did it?" Joe peeked over his sunglasses and kicked his brother off of the chair. "Are you a teenager?"

"Fine, did the dirty, had the sex, made passionate love, did -"

Joe's face twisted in disgust as Frank listed off synonyms for sex. He had to stop the madness.

"For God's sake if I tell you, will you shut up?"

Frank held his hand up. "Scout's honor."

"3 years."

"YEARS?" Frank exclaimed, choking on his plastic cup of water, turning everyone's attention toward them.

"No wonder why you snap at me all the fucking time." He added jestfully. Though, Joe was certain that there was a bit of truth underneath the sarcasm.

"I'm not giving you the option this time. I am not above kidnapping you in the middle of the night. You need some time for yourself. Val can take the boys", he volunteered on her behalf.

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