New Guy Tino

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The University was located right in the center of New York City, and because I lived in Dover, Delaware, my trip roughly took around three and a half hours.

I'll skip out on all of the boring, unimportant registration forms that I had to fill out once I arrived at the college. Needless to say, at the end of the entire ordeal, I was exhausted and just wanted to find my room so that I could sleep. This scared me, for I was once again reminded that I would have to share a room with someone I had never met before. I received the key to my room, which was located in the northern hemisphere of the campus, and taking most of my belongings from my car, began the trudge to the place I would be residing for a while – dorm 143.

The adventure to my dorm seemed to be quite insane; there was the loud buzz of students' chatter coming from the numerous rooms, someone kept shouting, "Der spiste den sidste donut?!" with a seemingly Scandinavian accent, one student was busy bedazzling...his door, and I was forced to stand against the wall to avoid getting run over by a tall, albino student and a girl with long, brown hair chasing him. And wait...was that a frying pan in her hands? Shaking my head disbelievingly, I finally made it to my dorm and pulled out my key.

Opening the door slowly, I peeped inside, a bit frightened. The lights were already on, which indicated that my roommate was already here. Pulling the door a bit wider, I stepped inside and placed my bags near the door to take a look around. The dorm was nice enough, but at the time I was worried more about my roommate. Hearing rummaging from probably a bedroom, I picked my bags back up, and slowly made my way to the noise. Nearing the room where the rummaging was coming from, I knocked on the door softly. "Hello?"

The rummaging stopped and the door was pulled open. The boy who pulled open the door was just a bit taller than I, had slightly long brown hair, and kind green eyes. He smiled when he saw me, and immediately stuck out his hand. "I'm guessing you're my roommate! My name is Toris Laurinaitis."

Shaking his hand with a huge smile on my face, I quickly introduced myself immediately after. I was extremely excited with how this had worked out; Toris seemed like a really nice guy, and he would probably make a great roommate. Our friendship quickly escalated; I forgot my exhaustion almost immediately, and we spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking our bags and talking about ourselves and our families. Toris was from Philadelphia, and, like me, had wanted to study at Hetalia University from a very early age. As of right now, he was studying to become a surgeon. Him and two of his good childhood friends had all been accepted to the college, and were apparently five doors down.

"I'll have to introduce you to them soon. They're both very kind and pretty smart – Eduard is a computer genius and Raivis graduated high school two years early. It's pretty crazy that we were all accepted into the same college," Toris spoke while setting up his DVD player in his room.

"Speaking of crazy," I mentioned, while handing him a cord, "the students seem pretty crazy themselves. If I stayed out there even a bit longer, I probably would've witnessed someone get murdered by a frying pan!"

Toris laughed quietly as he finished connecting the plugs. "So I've heard. When I first got here, I saw someone trying to fit a grand piano into their room. I didn't hear about this near-murder though." He chuckled again. "I'm sure everyone here isn't insane like that, and that the excitement will disappear in a few days, with all of the work we'll receive from our classes."

"So girls and boys are allowed to share the same dorms? I saw a few girls in the same hall as us," I wondered aloud.

Toris shook his head. "The one thing that always confused me about this certain university was the fact that instead of separating girls and guys, they've separated the dorm halls into grades. I believe that the girl rooms are at the end of the hall, while the boys are at the other end. A bit strange, yes?" he asked me.

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