A unknown event, and heading home.

Start from the beginning

Gregg: Good, love you.

Y/N: Love you too.

We start talking about random things, like birds for some reason.

Gregg: So yeah, I saw a bluebird the other day, it was pretty cool.

Bea: Gregg you could see a flying dildo and find it cool.

Gregg: Yeah, so?

Y/N: Flying dildos are funny!

Bea rolls her eyes again, and we continue talking. Soon, the doctor comes in.

Doctor: You gave us quite the scare Y/N, but we took care of you and now you can go home if you'd like.

Y/N: Sweet, thanks doc.

Gregg: Just please, if you start freaking out again, tell me. I'm your boyfriend now and I worry about you.

Y/N: sorry hon.

Gregg: It's good dude, let's just go home.

I get out of my medical gown, and get dressed back up in my street clothes. We walk down to the car, and hop in.

Bea: Y'all want anything to eat?


Gregg: Yeah!

Y/N: Ride the chariot!

Mae and Gregg: To donut hell!

Bea sighs, she hates donut wolf. I forgot that but remembered it now.

Y/N: we can go get you something as well.

Bea: No, I'll be fine.

Y/N: Bea I insist, let's stop at a Burger Fox or something as well.

Bea: Ughh, if you insist.

We stop at the two different restaurants. On the drive home, we see a grain elevator fire. Fire rose about half a mile above the silo.

Gregg: Holy shit dude! Look at that!

Y/N: Damn, we didn't even have fires that big back overseas.

Mae: I thought Grain Elevators were relatively safe from fires?

Bea: No, there's a lot of dangers that can cause fires on them contraptions.

Mae: Since there's all that flammable grain, you'd think they'd have a crap ton of safety measures.

Y/N: They do, there was probably a touch of human error. I've never seen a elevator go up like that before.

Gregg: Didn't you work for a farmer in high school?

Y/N: Yeah. It was hard and rough work, but it built up a work ethic.

Gregg: Yeah, got you into good shape for the football team as well.

Y/N: Our team wasn't the best, but we somehow pulled a state championship out of our asses.

Gregg: Yeah, the fact that you, a lineman, made the game winning touchdown surprised the coaches even, even though they made the play that you ran.

Y/N: Heh, yeah.

Bea: Yeah, I didn't see that coming either, and I know nothing about football.

Mae: All I understand is the part that you get to hit others.

Y/N: Oh yeah, that was my normal job, but at that game I was thrown into a running back position, but was on the line. When I took off down the field, everyone on the other team ignored me, until I got twenty yards from the end zone, when I caught the ball and everyone was still down the other end. You should've seen the look on their D linemen's faces when I stopped and looked at them as I moonwalked into the end zone. God that was priceless.

Gregg: I bet!

Mae: yeah!

Bea: Yeah, didn't you have to run sprints the next day?

Y/N: Yeah but it was worth it.

Bea: Yeah, I'd say it would be.

After twenty minutes, we return to Possum Springs. Bea stops outside our apartment complex, and as I get out of the car, Gregg gets out as well. I look at him, confused. He looks at me, smiles and says.

Gregg: do you really think I'm leaving you alone after the bullshit you pulled yesterday? Plus, we have a cuddle session to continue!

I roll my eyes and we walk up to my apartment, hand in hand. When we enter, we sit down on the couch and start to cuddle. This is the life. We accidentally fall asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter End

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