after all

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title: after all

pair: james potter x plus size! lily evans

summary: lily never thought that a person like james could be sincere when asking someone like her out.

content: uhh idk what to put here but lily has anxiety/body image issues

word count: 2500

a/n: hiii everyone this is my first piece of writing on this account :)) i posted this headcanon on my tiktok a while back and people really wanted me to write about it, so i did! feedback is always welcome.

other characters/ships mentioned: dorlene, wolfstar, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, remus lupin, sirius black, minerva mcgonagal


"Oi, Evans, wait!"

Lily groaned as the bespectacled boy jogged towards her. Not this again she thought to herself. Despite her less than happy expression, James smiled kindly towards her. She nodded to him hoping that he would carry on and say whatever he had approached her for.

"Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Lily noticed that he was fumbling with his sleeve as he asked, and could tell that he was nervous. His anxiousness made her feel a bit bad about what she was to say next.

"James I-" She started, her lips pursing into a frown, but James already knew what she was going to say.

James smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck with his hand. "It's no worries," Lily avoided eye contact with him, as he began to walk away. "Just let me know if you change your mind." James said as he continued down the corridor.


"Lily, I honestly don't know what you're on about. James asks you out every chance he gets," Marlene said, glaring at the redhead as she plopped down onto her bed, "you just never accept his offers."

Lily looked to Mary for help, but had little luck as Mary silently agreed with Marlene. The three had just come back from dinner and were painting each other's nails.

"Why are we even talking about this, Mary was asking you about Dorcas. What does that have to do with James and I?" Lily pulled her hand away from Mary, smudging the nail that Mary was painting.

"So you agree that there is something going on between you and James?" Mary questioned, ignoring the fact that Lily had ruined the work that she had been doing for the last twenty minutes. Marlene laughed, noticing the flush on Lily's face.

"We all saw you two today before potions, don't be coy!" Marlene egged on. Lily got up from her position on the floor, rolling her eyes while doing so.

"I don't know how many times that I have to tell you that James isn't into me. Neither of you will ever get it. A guy like him wouldn't want to date someone like me." Mary glanced at Marlene, the air in the room starting to become a bit tense. Lily cleared her throat, hoping that neither of the girls across from her would press further.

Mary and Marlene were not unfamiliar to Lily's harsh demeanor. At this point, they knew Lily like the back of their hands. They knew what she meant when she said "someone like me". It was far too often the two consoled Lily when she cried to them about a cruel comment that someone had made to her about her weight.

Although Lily had been dealing with these comments all throughout her sixteen years of life, her insecurities only grew as she became a teenager. It was quite difficult for her to not compare herself to her thinner classmates, regardless of how much it hurt to think about.

after all - plus size!lily evans x james potterWhere stories live. Discover now