Episode IV, Part II: A Tale of Gods.

Start from the beginning

"-In a Flash." Oliver finished with a smile. "Barry." He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder as if to convince himself that he was really there before him. Barry smiled back. "Hey, Ollie." This was all Sara and Kara needed, and suddenly they were both holding tightly to Barry sobbing at having him back.

Seeing the family reunited, Bruce, Jeff, Clark and J'onn all smiled, hoping for the same soon.

Barry smiled as he held his wife and friend in his arms once more. "You know, guys." he began and they all looked at him wondering what he was going to say next. "It's a good thing you believe me, because our ride... is here."

The Paragons didn't a chance to question this statement as there was a sudden dull boom from high above them. Sara winced as her communicator in her ear suddenly crackled to life.

"Cap... nce, are... ou... re?" a stuttering and familiar voice tried to say. "Captain, ca... ar me?" But once the voice came in clear, Sara smiled brightly. "Captain Lance, can you hear me?"

"Gideon! Is that you?" she asked hopefully. Everyone looked at her in equal parts confusion and hope. Barry just smirked when Sara looked at him.

"Affirmative, Captain. I was able to track your signal to the Vanishing Point." The AI of the Earth-1 Waverider said.

Suddenly another voice came over the communicator. "Sara, you there?" Nate Heywood aka Steel asked.

"Nate! Yeah we're all here." she said happily as everyone else smiled in growing hope. "Hold on I'm patching everyone in." she said as she did just that. The other Paragons all winced slightly as their own comm. devices crackled to life. "Nate, Barry's-" Sara began only to stop when she saw that Barry was suddenly gone.

The Paragons all looked around in confusion, hoping against hope that the former Flash wasn't their imagination.

Nate's voice brought them out of their confusion. It was full of sadness as he spoke. "Yeah, we heard. I'm sorry, Sara." he told her.

Sara was about to reveal what had become of Barry, knowing how it would sound, when she was suddenly puzzled. "Wait, you know? How do you know?" she asked in confusion.

There was an audible smile in Nate's voice. "Well we suddenly found ourselves with a bunch of new passengers." He revealed to the very hopeful Paragons, but before they could speak, Nate spoke. "Hold on, we're coming in. Get to the Landing Pad." He told them, before cutting the communication.

Instantly the heroes ran outside, to see the Waverider coming in to land. As the Paragons approached the door opened and a number of familiar figures walked out.

"Mom! Dad!" Mia Queen exclaimed as she ran towards her parents. "Mia?!" Kara and Oliver were shocked as their daughter ran over to them. They held her in their arms, happy to have her with them once more. Mia also brought Baby Nora over with her. The baby version of her best friend seemed fascinated with her new friend, but quickly lost all interest as soon as she saw her mommy. Sara was just relieved to have her baby in her arms as the little girl cheered at the sight of her.

Jefferson almost fell to his knees in relief when not only his wife, his best friend and his eldest ran up to him, but his youngest, Jennifer also did, fully recovered and brought up to date. He held them all as tears unashamedly fell down his cheeks.

Bruce and Selina shared a loving embrace as they were reunited.

J'onn and Alex hugged in joy. Kara also joined in the group hug along with Lena, Winn and Mon-El as Team Superfriends was reunited.

Clark and Lois kissed, happily reunited as Karen hugged her father. Lex also came and actually hugged his best friend, not even caring about the happy tears in his eyes. Karen also brought Baby Jon over to Kara, who not only embraced her nephew happily but also her niece.

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