Imagine this, Yanfei

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(Yanfei's pov)

I woke up at 9:50 am. Shit. I'm suppose to be at the Parlour in 10 minutes. I zoomed around my bedroom, trying trying find something somewhat formal, after all, this is probably the last time I'll see Hu Tao. I ended up putting on a suit. I hated it, but it was all I had. I checked the time, 9:56 am. Madam Ping must've left because i went downstairs and saw Lawrence on the chair on his own, so I quickly poured some tofu and water in his bowls and left. I landed in the middle of Liyue Harbour, it was now 9:59 am, so I ran to the Parlour and as soon as I knocked on the door, it became 10.

(Hu Tao's pov)

It's currently 9:50am, and the table was set for Fei to come over, I had Zhongli help because if he didn't, I threatened to cut his wage for a week. I didn't put anything formal on, just some PJs, after all, it's not even 10 am yet. I sat down in my chair and waited, and as the clock hit 10, I heard a knock.

"I've already opened it."

. I left my office and peeked, and before me was Fei... in a suit and her hair was all messy. It was kinda cute. I approached her and grabbed her by the hand, and I kissed it. I could see Fei's face go bright red, as I chuckled and dragged her to the office where the breakfast waited. Zhongli must've left because I heard the door close behind us.

(Yanfei's pov)

She got an... entire feast. On her office desk. And then- I was speechless.

'Hu Tao. Why did you kiss my hand-'
"Well, isn't that what people do on a date?"

I could feel my face go red again, I tried to keep my posture so I didn't embarass myself. Hu Tao just chuckled and ate some tofu.

'...This.. isn't a date... I wanted to talk to you about-'
"By the way, what's with the suit? Like, I'm not complaining but I feel a bit underdressed now..."
'...its all I had that was clean.'
"Bullshit, aren't you like a god or something? Can't you just whip up some clean clothes?"
'It doesn't work like that- and you're changing the topic-'

She got up and poured herself a drink of wine, and myself one aswell.

"So what if I am, maybe I'm just savouring this time we're spending together."

She sat on the arm of my chair, sipping her cup of wine, I decided to throw out the obvious.

'Hu Tao. This would never work.'
"What wouldn't?"

She got up and sat back in her chair, before refilling her cup.

'...this-... us. You break the law on a daily basis, I've already risked my reputation many times saving you from jail time, what would everyone think if we started-'
"Started what?"

For some reason, I couldn't say it. I was afraid. But, why? It's the truth, right? I started zoning out, imagining the outcomes to what might happen depending on what I say next.
I didn't even realise I zoned out until Hu Tao booped my nose.

"Ya zoned out, Fei. Answer the question."
' just wouldn't work. I'm sorry.'
"No you're not."

I realised that, she wasn't smiling. In fact, she was holding back tears I think.
She sat back down in her chair. I was kind of scared...

'...Hu Tao?'
"You're not sorry... why would you be? You couldn't care less about anything or anyone else that isn't a fucking law in a god damn book."
'Hu Tao that's not true-'
"How come you can't understand it? Can you not imagine this, Yanfei? The amount of times I... I..."

She poured another drink.
I couldn't help but feel like a bitch, she risked all those times at Jail just to see me, and I never caught on...

"Get out."
"I said. GET OUT!"

I've never seen her like this, I left the room and closed the door, as soon as i did, I could hear faint crying. You're a fucking idiot, yanfei. I left the Parlour without noticing that tears were dripping onto my suit, I couldn't care less. I just stood outside the Parlour, as it started to rain. But I couldn't care less.

Yanfei x Hu Tao (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now