Vacation Day(?)

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(3rd Pov)

Yanfei was relaxing in her Adeptal teapot, catching up on a certain law book she was reading. Her Adeptal pot's house was full of shelves of law books and she even had a corner fireplace with a big chair so she could enjoy some tofu while reading. Considering, it was her day off, her attire consisted of some baggy pants and a shirt which was too big for her, that had a lyric to a Xinyan song on it. As she was reading, her cat, called Lawrence (get it? LAW-rence?) tried to get her attention by whimpering, to which she fed him the last of the tofu. Soon after however, a knock on her front door alerted her attention.

'Who could that be?'

She got up from her chair, and walked to the door, opened it and was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hello, dear Yanfei. I brought some tofu and that microphone you asked for.."
'Oh- thanks!'

Madam Ping entered the house, and placed the tofu and microphone on a nearby desk, before turning to Yanfei with a gloomy face.

'What is it, Gran?'
"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt you on your vacation day, but I'm afraid that Baizhu needs your help again."
' it who I think it is again?'

Madam Ping nodded, and Yanfei sighed. She went to her room and got changed to her normal attire when she visits clients, and came back down. Ping was sitting on her chair, stroking Lawrence as she said:

"I'll stay here, and watch after your precious little cat."
'Thanks Gran, I'll be back before you know it!'

She gave Ping a hug and left the teapot, which took her to the middle of Liyue Harbour.

'Alright.. Baizhu..'

She turned to the Pharmacy and walked up the steps, and inside the Pharmacy itself was Baizhu and Qiqi, but no sign of her...

"Ah Yanfei! I am sorry to disrupt you on your day off, but it's urgent."
'No, don't worry! I would've come even if I was in another region.'

She gave a light chuckle, and asked the obvious question:

'Did Hu Tao go too far this time with Qiqi?'

Baizhu nodded as Qiqi was just drinking some milk.

"The poor thing doesn't even remember what happens."
'May I ask, for legal reasons, what did happen this time?'
"It was around Qiqi's shift so... 11 pm last night, and obviously Qiqi wouldn't have known who she was and she just... tried to kidnap her."
'...and you want her to go to jail for attempted kidnapping?'
"Oh, no. I want a restraining order. So that she can't go near Qiqi ever again."

Yanfei has never seen Baizhu so serious, Qiqi really was like a daughter to him.

'I'll get on it, Baizhu. I'll have a chat with her now.'

Yanfei gave Baizhu a handshake and left the Pharmacy, she went to the opposite of Liyue Harbour and stared at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, a place she was all too familiar with. She entered the Parlour to be greeted by the same, voice as always.

"Oooh Yanfeeeiiii~"

Yanfei sighed and turned, as usual, Hu Tao was dangling from the roof and was right behind her.

'Hu Tao, can we talk?'
"Oh, we can always talk. Come to my office."

Yanfei went to Hu Tao's office, and she passed Zhongli, who waved at her. She waved back and entered the office.
Somehow, Hu Tao was in her swivel-chair at her desk without Yanfei noticing her enter.

"What does my favourite legal advisor want from me this time?"
'Y'know, you're quite lucky, Hu Tao.'
"I know I am, you're here."

That comment is exactly the reason Yanfei dislikes coming to the Parlour, Hu Tao has no shame in admitting that she likes Yanfei, whether it's too get away from a fine or genuine, she doesn't know. But either way, it makes her face light up.

'...As I was saying- you're lucky, Baizhu doesn't want you to go to jail for attempted kidnapping.'
"... I didn't kidnap her."

Hu Tao stared right into Yanfei's eyes, and Yanfei stared back.

'You did.'
"Alright, fine, I did. But can you blame me? The little thing should be dead! I'm just doing my job."
'And I'm doing mine, so. Baizhu has signed a restraining order against you so you can't come near Qiqi ever again.'

After that announcement, Hu Tao's carefree attitude seemed to disappear as she stood up and walked to Yanfei.

'Hu Tao, I've given you enough warnings about this, I'm willing to keep it silent because I know this could ruin your business but-'
"But Fei, that restraining order means you don't have to see me anymore...."

Yanfei x Hu Tao (Finished)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ