19. pain, it has brought

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(credit to Katie [@stolen-pen-name23 on tumblr] for making these headers for CC <3)

A/N: This one was much better to write than the last one 😌

Warnings: suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, injury, blood mention, suffocation, etc

He didn't think he could go on any further.

Obi-Wan's knees collapsed to the round, billows of dirt and sand rising around him. Sweat was dripping down his neck at an alarming rate, the layers of his clothes stripped off and left behind until he was only in his standard Jedi clothes.

Nineteen weeks had passed, and for him, it felt like an eternity. The sweltering heat  ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶l̶o̶n̶e̶l̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶  of Tatooine weakened him every day, both physically and mentally.

He could see why Anakin hated it here.

However, he had a mission. To protect Luke and train him when he's old enough.

Obi-Wan had pondered about it for a long time, and a small part of him was convinced that Luke was going to meet the same fate his loved ones did.

A painful death.

Obi-Wan had gone out several days ago, leaving his little hut unintended and carrying only his lightsaber.

Stupid movie on his part, but he couldn't do anything about it now.

It was a simple supply run, but after being attacked in the streets, he was lost. Something that was supposed to be a several-hour trip results in his landspeeder breaking down in the middle of nowhere.

Obi-Wan couldn't keep dragging it. He had left it a while ago, finding that it couldn't be started up again. Now, he was frustrated, hungry, and desperate.

His stomach ached, and he inhaled a deep breath. The Force's usually cool presence was much farther out of reach, and he didn't feel the same comfort from it like before.

There was just a gaping hole of darkness, an icy feeling he did not like. It was cold and clammy, and the headache building behind his eyes didn't help one bit.

The Force was deserting him. Just like everyone else did. Whether it was intentional or not, they were all gone.

Obi-Wan could only hope it killed him sooner so he didn't have to suffer, no matter how selfish it sounded. He couldn't handle any more pain.

But he would have to go on. For nothing but Luke.


It was noon, where the temperature was the highest in the day. Nothing except sand dunes stretching for miles and miles, not a pinprick of civilization in sight. Obi-Wan's hand fumbled for his canteen, licking his dry cracked lips.

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