Girl's Night Out

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Tumblr prompt: "Tell me about yourself" (Padmé Amidala & Ahsoka Tano)
Requested by TheWrongJedi

Summary: Padmé and Ahsoka get to know each other. But as it is with Anakin's wife and Padawan, nothing is ever simple.


Ahsoka....was bored, to say the least. She finished her training, and with the clones out at 79's, she was all alone in the Jedi Temple, cooped up and attempting to find something to do. She would've gone to the bar, but she was only fourteen. And fourteen-year-olds don't go drinking alcohol. 

"We'll take you there once you're old enough kid! For now, find something to do without us!" Fives had chuckled when she asked to come along last month. 

Rex had then patted the space between her montrals and instead of stiffening as she did outside of the Teth monastery all those months ago, she stayed relaxed, knowing that he just did it to show his brotherly affection.

She would've contacted her Master, but knowing him, he probably disappeared to who knows where and wouldn't answer her calls. She scrolled through her contact list and stopped as one name in particular caught her eye: Padmé Amidala. 

She had met the senator just a few weeks ago during the Blue Shadow virus contraption and they didn't have much time to bond, trying their best to survive for Anakin. During the recovery stage, she had been whisked away to the Temple while the senator was taken elsewhere. She contemplated on making a comm call, but decided against it, pulling her hand away. 

Suddenly, her device started ringing, and whether it was just luck or a granted wish by the Force (or both), the video call displayed Padmé herself.

Ahsoka immediately clicked the answer button, and the senator's face popped up, a cheery grin adorned.

"Ahsoka! Are you free right now?"

Ahsoka's matching grin seemed to confirm Padmé's suspicions, and she anticipated the request that would be made of her. Anything was better than staying here.

"Great! Bring a coat or something, and meet me outside the Temple. See you then!"

Ahsoka technically wasn't allowed out of the Temple, but she couldn't bring herself to say no to freedom.


Ahsoka had asked Obi-Wan for a robe only to be handed three. According to her Grandmaster, he "didn't need that many." She could already imagine Cody's exasperated face and laughed. When he had asked where she was going, she had lied through her teeth, saying that she could be found in the barracks. He had seemed satisfied, and she had run off, feeling a bit guilty. It was overcome with eagerness as she quickly skipped down the stairs. Padmé waved from the passenger seat in her speeder and Ahsoka hopped in.

"What did you call me here for, Senator?" Ahsoka asked, curious to know what she had planned for them.

"Oh, no need to call me that. I'm just Padmé. And since I figured that I had nothing, I decided, that I wanted to know Ana—ahem, Master Skywalker's Padawan a bit more after the Blue Shadow virus incident."

Ahsoka picked up on the correction, but she didn't say anything about it as she turned toward the senator. She noted to call her Padmé from then on.

"Now get in the speeder, I have a surprise!" 


"So, tell me about yourself."

Ahsoka turned her gaze from the window to the ground, thinking about her answer.

"Well, you already know that I'm Skyguy's Padawan."

"Wait a minute, Skyguy? You call him Skyguy? How did that happen?" Padmé chuckled, a hand covered over her mouth in laughter.

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