chapter 2

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Darkness, "where the fuck am I?!" I was in some kind of lake, a man stood by a boat he had wings, black as the night. I couldn't see his face he had a Cloak on, "it's been a while, Marcus"
I immediately recognized, "Uncle Tom?!" "Hey, you remember me!" He removed his cloak a hugged me.

Uncle Tom died 5 years ago, but nobody knew how. "Where am I?" "You in the realm of death and fate" he answered bluntly, "so am dead," I said with shock, "well not really," he said like there was another way out of death. You never fulfilled your mission on earth, plus it was ordained in the book of fate for to die, Well at least not yet.

"What happened? How did I di-" it came I was killed by an angel. "The angel that killed you is called Adria, she a rebellious spirit she hasn't yet found her mission, she a sweet-" "SHE KILLED ME!" "Oh now don't be so dramatic" "what's so dramatic about dying?!"
My uncle snorted "you're still as whiny as ever" I sighed.

"So what will be?" He said, "huh? What will what be?" "Don't you want to go back?" "I can?" " Are you stupid?! I just said your mission is not done!"
I'd forgotten uncle had a short temper, "......ok I'm ready" uncle sighed, "it's been nice chatting with you kid" a dark mist started to surround me, "how are you doing this?" He laughed "I'm the angel of death you idiot" "WHA-" I was pulled back to life, I woke up gasping. I looked down at my stomach, my wounds were gone.

James and Nathan were no were to be seen. I slowly stumbled to my apartment, I passed out on my bed. I woke up feeling energized, I thought it was all a dream until I realized I was still wearing the blood-stained shirt I died in. I decided to take a bath ahead of Nathans house, the windows were closed.

I knocked on the door, "who's there?!" His voice seemed scared and paranoid, "uh.......its Marcus" he responds, "............Marcus?" "Uh.......yeah am alive "
The slammed open, the big guy gave the biggest bear hug ever. "How? When what-" "I dunno I just woke up, apparently wasn't Finished with my mission" after explaining we met up with James, who was more terrified than Nathan.

"So your uncle is the angel of death and the reason your alive is because your 'mission' has not yet been fulfilled?"Nathan said, " yep that's it" "so what now?" James said, "................we hunt her," I said, James and Nathan, burst out laughing.

"Dude the last time you tried you died" "......... I need to train, become stronger. Cause I don't think she going to stop killing" they stopped laughing.
"Guys you don't have to join-" "we need someone to train us," Nathan said "yeah like an angel hunter" angel hunters hunt for Angels gone bad and clip off their wings, they put those wings in chapels and are sent to heaven. Angel Hunters are half-angel so they can always stand a chance with angels with the support of blessed weapons. " okay guy let's go find us an Angel hunter"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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