Chapter 7: Welcome to Team Prime

Start from the beginning


I gasped and sat up, looking around.

I was inside of a blue semi truck. It was Magnus's alt mode.

I looked out the window and saw a familiar barren desert landscape.

"Where are we?" I asked anyway.

"A few miles outside of base. Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Fine." I lied as I rubbed my eyes. "Are we going somewhere?"

"No. I justed needed to get away from Ratchet and you were sleeping in my neck cables." He answered with an amused tone.

"Ah, ok." I leaned back and watched the ground fly by.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a long time, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

So I was supposed to be killing the predicon for someone named Primus? I don't know if I can do that, my sword didn't even make it through his wrist. And he's so huge.

Much larger than Optimus and he's the biggest bot I've ever seen.

"Hey, Magnus?" I asked.


"Have you ever been given an assignment by someone you don't know?"

"Of course, back in the beginning of the war, when I was just a solider. I was given orders all the time by countless people ranking higher than me." He answered.

"And did you always listen?"

"Of course. They were my superior, they must know better than me." He answered. "I've never told Optimus no."

"What if you weren't sure if they were your superior or not? If they were a con or an autobot?" I asked.

"Everyone has a mark to show where they are from. If someone didn't, then you don't listen to them because they're either a spy, a rogue, or neutral." He replied.

I sighed. This really wasn't helping.

"Why do you ask?" He asked.

"Have you ever heard of someone called, Primus?" I asked.

He slammed on his brakes and I flew forward, smacking my forehead into his dashboard.

I groaned and poked my head, blinking away dark spots. I climbed back upright in my seat and smacked the dashboard lightly.

"What was that for!?"

"Primus has been speaking to you?" He asked.

"Um. Maybe?"

He started speeding off again towards the base full speed.

"Why? Magnus? Hello?"

"We need to talk to Optimus and Ratchet." He answered.

"Wait? Why? Who is he? Magnus? Answer me!" I growled and kicked the door.

"Stop it, Alias. Just wait."

I huffed and crossed my arms as the base came into view.

Magnus transformed and burst through the door, holding me firmly in his hand before setting me down on his shoulder.

"Ratchet. Optimus. We need to talk, privately." He said grimly.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, but I didn't miss Optimus narrowing his optics at me. He hasn't trusted me the entire time I've been here. What do I have to do to prove myself?

We walked outside and started to drive from base, leaving Smokescreen in charge. Arcee was super angry about that by the way.

It was funny.

Suddenly everyone transformers and the two Autobots looked at Magnus.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked.

"Alias may be in contact with Primus." Magnus said gravely.

Optimus and Ratchet shared a look.

"We are aware of this. Two nights ago, we felt the strange engery again and went to your berthroom where Alias and you were both glowing energon blue. Smokescreen explained that he had heard of this from Alpha Trion and that it was a way that Primus speaks to Primes." Optimus explained.




"Both of us? We aren't Primes and Primus is supposed to be dead."

"Um." I stopped myself, but the half word was already out.

Everyone looked at me, "Yes?"

"Uh, Primus said something about that."


I fiddled with mt finger, "Well he told me that I was a champion and a Prime and I have to kill the predicon."

Ratchet's jaw fell out and burried itself six feet underground. Optimus's eye ridges flew off the top of his face and hit the Nemesis. Magnus just froze.

Wait, the Nemesis?

I looked up and sure enough, there was a space ship floating there.

"Hey guys? Is that a friendly?" I asked, pointing up.

Everyone look up and frowned.

"I don't see anything." Magnus said.

"Neither do I." Optimus replied.

"It's a giant space ship. Blocking the sun." I deadpanned.

"The Nemesis! It's supposed to be shielded! You can see through it!?" Ratchet asked.

"Um. Maybe."

"Scrap! Optimus! Look!" Magnus shouted, pointing up at a large metal dragon and a fleet of vehicons.

"Arcee! We require a groundbridge immediately!" Optimus said as he transformed.

Everyone transformed and I landed in Magnus's passenger seat with the seat belt wrapped tightly around me.

"Hold on, this might get bumpy." He said.

I watched the predicon and suddenly a violent urge came up inside of me.

I needed to kill it.

To tear it apart.

It must die.

Word Count: 1703

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