"Coming," as the dreadlocks male opens the door to see the boy who thorn him apart, "Fudou?"

"Uh, hi," the brunette said in that really awkward tone.

"Why come all the way here? Its raining, come in," as the pianist took the other male's hand and let him in the house.

"Thank the lord my parents aren't here or they would have killed me," he said, "are you okay? You're really soaked in rain, wait here, I'll give you my clothes."

"There's no need,"

The male with such messy dreadlocks then grabbed onto the shorter male's chin and look him directly into the eyes with his red, bold eyes. Fudou felt like he was burning in hell and infront of him was the devil, himself.

"I said I'll get you some clothes or you're gonna get sick. I don't want that," the pianist letting go of the dancer's chin, "wait there,"

Kidou went to his room searching clothes for the brunette to wear. He then found one that fits perfectly for Fudou.

"Here take this," as he gives him a towel and clothing, "the bathrooms in the back and turn left."

"Thanks," Fudou then left to go to the bathroom. Kidou waited for a while then the dancer came out.

Fudou was wearing a clothing slightly bigger for him so he looks really adorable in the yellow fabric he's wearing.

"So why'd you come all the way here?" With a hint of curiosity in the pianist's voice, raising a brow.

"To say sorry," Fudou said a bit embarassed since he didn't really thought this through.

"You can just text,"

"It seems rude so I came all the way here,"

Kidou sighs, "Its fine," he looks at Fudou who was averting gazes from him.

So he got up and went to search something to give to the male sitting, "here take this, I was planning to give this tommorrow but since you're here, I'll give it to you now,"

The taller male give Fudou a small bracelet with patterns of black tulips which means power and strength.

"Wow, thank you," as he looks onto the bracelet that the male gave, "looks pretty,"

"I know because it reminds me of you," as the boy stars into the brunette's viridescent eyes.

"Oh, um anyways," he looks away as he's trying to composure himself then looks back, "sorry about last time,"

"Its okay, I understand if you don't want to accept," Kidou gives him a reassuring smile but such glimpse of sadness shown.

"No! Dumbass, not that I didn't accept it," he exclaimed, "I.. was.. I was just being an idiot! I didn't know why I said what I said but I didn't mean it, I was just confused abo-"

The infront of the dancer shushed him with his finger onto his lips. Fudou's heart was beating with such speed that he was close to fainting with the sudden attack.

"Its alright, stop mumbling will you? I already accepted your apology,"

"Argh, didn't have to cut me like that but what I was trying to say is.. yes.. I accept the.. invitation of you asking me.. out," he spoke as his voice goes more silent.

"I mean you don't have to force yourself, you know?" Kidou says still trying to make sure and not be broken apart twice.

"I'm really sure I am not. I really want to go out with you," the brunette says with his ears slightly turning a shade of pink as he realised how cringy it is.

One Dance for One Night [kidou x fudou] | Inazuma ElevenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora