Prince, Poet, Princess Pt. 6

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Before the king could do anything else, a carriage burst through the front doors and skidded between Jeremiah and the group of teens.

"Ugh! Those knights were sooo annoying and junk," Trina whined as she released the reins of the horses.

"Whoa... this place is huge," Mina said while gazing at the beautiful castle, Mr. Mittens still in her clutches. However, her sister's face was a tad green. She leaned against the door of the carriage.

"I'm never driving with your friend again," Carrie moaned, holding a hand over her mouth.

"Carrie!" the rest of the Newmans cried, rushing over to their sickly leader.

"Excuse me!" Everyone turned towards the king that towered over them. Laney, though, used this helpful distraction to sneak over to the throne. "Who are you pe--"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool it, grandpa. I'm just here to witness my brother's humiliation of dressing like a princess," Trina said, waving the giant off.

"You mean this boy?" Jeremiah snatched the blue-haired teen away from his throne and just out of Laney's reach. She pulled at her cheeks in silent annoyance.

While Laney tried to grab the bottom of the cage, Kin noticed something from the corner of his eye. Right above the entrance to the castle was a humungous clock. Inside the number 6 was a tiny key. Kin turned back towards Corey's cage to see that the key might fit. He then elbowed his brother, pointing to the clock. Kon's eyes grew wide at how high the clock was from the ground. His gaze pleaded with his twin for another way to help their friends, so the brainiac headed over to Fairteeny. The tiny fairy was still in shock. All she could do was keep herself a few feet off the ground. Kin poked her abit, pointing over to the clock. Fairteeny, though, didn't move. Kin tried again and again, but she might as well have been a statue. The genius sighed before grabbing one of Fairteeny's hands. He waved it around, and, luckily, something appeared. A puff of pink smoke surrounded the bottom of the castle doors. Kin smiled to see that a trampoline formed with it.

While the twins raced over to the clock, King Jeremiah and Trina continued with their conversation.

"Haha! Nice outfit, Corey! You totes look ridiculous," Trina said happily.

As the twins rushed over to the trampoline, though, Kin began to slow down once he heard Trina's statement.

"Nah, I think the light pink actually compliments his eyes," the genius twin said with a smile.

"Bro, focus!" Kon whispered loudly before dragging his brother back on task. Thankfully, no one heard the brothers as the king continued.

"Hehe, this tiny girl makes a good point. You do look strange, boy," he said. The band leader, though, ignored his comment and focused on Trina.

"Yeah, I guess I look ridiculous, but hey, who wouldn't want priceless pink gowns, their own castle, treasures, and Nick Mallory as a personal guard," Corey replied before adjusting his tiara smugly. He then glanced back to see Laney finally latching onto the cage. At the same time, the twins bounced onto the trampoline and grabbed onto the rim of the clock.

Corey's last sentence struck the pink demon. She blinked a few times.

"What? What-the-what did you just say?"

"Corey Riffen has a point." Trina's gaze whipped over to a column that supported the hall's high roof. She noticed Nick leaning against it. "Nick Mallory would love if Nick Mallory was his own guard too."

"But isn't Nick the king's guard?" Konnie asked beside the carriage. Larry was rubbing Carrie's back as she leaned over the side, hoping to end her dizziness. The drummer, though, was shushed by her sister, who was watching the scene intently.

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