⁂ Fourteen ⁂

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Nick told me to dress casual and somewhat comfy because it was going to be a long day so I put on some cure mom jeans I found when we were out shopping the other day, a pretty basic t-shirt and a loosely fitted zip-up hoodie. I added some jewellery and a little mascara and put on my shoes to show Nick I was ready to go.

We drove for about 20 minutes to this cute breakfast place.

"You like?"

"I do", I nodded in approval to Nick smiling proud of his choices so far.

I got these small pancakes that came on skewers with fresh fruit and maple syrup, they were super good and Nick got a 'man's breakfast' as he called it. FYI it was basically just a full English breakfast put into cool shapes.

"Man child", I muttered from the other side of the table gaining a small kick from Nick from under the table.

We finished our breakfast paid and then left back for the car, I sat watching the trees go by waiting for anything to come into view so I could start guessing again. "Please can I have a clue?"

"No", he answered slightly shaking his head yet not taking his eyes from the road. I pouted and sunk further into my seat letting out a small groan.

We pulled into a small parking area and I pulled myself out of the seat to look out of the window, "Go carting?", I asked him.

"Yeah?...", he answered now unsure with his decision. I let my smile peak through.

"I love it", I nodded and leaned over hugging him, yes he was a complete child but he was a fun child so I allowed it.

We raced for practically hours, laughter completely filling the tracks, it was nice. The sun beaming down, the trees dancing besides us, distant birds singing their songs, the wind whistling its tune. It was really nice.


Sapnap POV

The drive back was pretty silent and I wondered if she didn't enjoy the day as much as I had hoped. I knew she didn't really like going out to fancy places all that much and didn't like to draw attention so I thought, being a gamer an all, go carting would be perfect.

"Thank you", she murmured. I turned away from the road for a moment as it was vacant, I watched her watch the trees as we passed them.

"What?", I asked not hearing her the first time and turning back to the dark road.

"For today, thank you", she repeated, "It was really nice."

I turned to see her once more except this time I met her sapphire blue / hazel brown / emerald green eyes, I could get lost in them, the pure bliss in them. 

"Today was perfect", she finished, taking my free hand and interlocking our fingers before turning back to watch the horizon as it passed.

I smiled to myself, eyes back on the road, knowing she was happy which made me happy. "I remember when I first saw one of your streams, it was on my recommended and I read the name. Y/U/N. I didn't recognise it but it felt familiar, I'd never heard of you but I felt I knew you, it was weird", I started, occasionally turning to see her eyes fixated on me.

"After a way too long debate I finally clicked onto it, and I saw you. You were wearing that hoodie with all of the cartoon designs on it, the one you love so much", I turned to see her small smile. "And your hair was in a loose messy bun. You were concentrating on the bedwars game you were in, a solo match, there were you and two other players left. You were really exited, you said it was because it was gonna be your first time winning a solo bedwars game. I knew then and there how amazing you were, the confidence, the taste, the attitude, just everything about you, I just knew..."

I saw her stare at me from the corner of my eye, her elbow on the armrest and her head in her hands, "Knew what?"

"I just knew", I repeated and let out a sigh, "That you were for me. The Scooby to my Shaggy, the Spongebob to my Patrick-"

"Are you calling me stupid now? I would not run head first into danger or let anyone tell me I'm the 'bait' and I have more braincells than a sponge or a starfish...even though starfish don't have brains...", she spat.

I just laughed, this was why I loved her.



After we got back, we went straight to bed, I had a massive headache thanks to Sapnap crashing into me multiple times when I was reversing giving me whiplash and causing my neck to snap backwards and hit the back of the seat.

When I woke up Nick was already awake and wasn't in bed anymore. I walked to the kitchen to find him attempting to make what I think was pancakes, they didn't look edible.

"What are you doing?", I laughed, he looked up from his mess and gave a half-hearted smile.

"I don't know...please help", he sighed.

I laughed as I walked to the counter to help, I managed to save the mixture and cook some pretty good pancakes as well as have him clean his own mess, this morning already presented me with one miracle.

We sat and ate the 'pancakes' if that's what you can call them and decided on what to do today. I suggested nothing and Nick agreed, so we just ordered food in and watched movies all day cuddling on the sofa.


A/N - I realised I haven't posted anything in 5 days so this is a rushed chapter, sorry but it's the best I could come up with since I didn't feel like writing. I'm having my ass handed to me by COVID and I'm not proud.

But anyways, thank you so much for 900+ reads you guys are amazing and I love you so much but this book is coming to an end soon I think it'll maybe have around 20 chapters because I only have one idea planned for after this week in the book so?

I have got quiet a few ideas for other books and I've started working on them two but I don't know what I'll do yet...I will still carry on with the Wilbur x Reader that was requested and I think I'll probably end up writing another mcyt x Reader as I'm lost in the loop...

How was everyone this week thought? <3 And I hope that you enjoyed the chapter?

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