Chapter one: The death of Manfred

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A three year old girl sat in the lobby, waiting for her father to return. She looked around, admiring the court room lobby. She was proud of her dad. He'd gotten a guilty verdict just like he said he would. Why had he looked so angry afterwards? What was taking him so long? She hopped off her chair when she experienced the shaking of the ground. "Come on!" A scary looking man yelled to her. She had no idea what was happening but she was too scared to say no. The man brought her under a table to wait for the shaking to stop. The man dug around in his pocket and fished out a lollipop. "Here, this might... make you feel better." He said as he gave it to her. He made sure he had opened it for her. "T-Thank you." The girl said as she stuck the lollipop in her mouth. It wasn't long before the shaking stopped. "Why are you yourself?" The man asked as he helped her out. "I-I am waiting for papa." She said. "Let's see if we can find him together. What is your papa's name?" He asked.

"V...Von Karma. The judge called him Mr.Von Karma." She replied, playing with her skirt. "You must be Prosecutor Von Karma's daughter. What's your name?" The man asked. "Franziska." She said. "That's a nice name... I'm Detective Badd. I think I know...where he is ..." he said, holding out his hand. "Can you take me to papa?" She asked. "Yeah... I'll take you him." He said as she took his hand.

He lead her down the stairs and was about to bring her the defendant's lobby until...
"Look! There's papa!" Franziska said, bouncing on her heels. She pulled her hand away from Detective Badd's. "Franziska, Wait!" Detective Badd called. A gunshot rang out. Manfred Von Karma stepped away from the elevator. He was clutching his chest, until he himself fell to the ground. Detective Badd ran after Franziska. "P-Papa?" She called, getting no response. Detective Badd pulled her away from the scene. "Papa! Wake up, Papa!" Franziska yelled. Detective Badd saw something she hadn't. He was glad she didn't.

Manfred held a gun in his hand. He was planning to shoot someone.

Detective Badd asked the judge to watch Franziska while he called for Paramedics. "Where's Papa?" She asked when he returned. "Your papa... is going to... the hospital..." Detective Badd explained.

It was a few hours later when he got the call that Manfred had died due to a gunshot wound.

By that time, Franziska was snoozing away in his office. She held a small teddy bear adorned in a judge's robes. His phone rang again. "Badd here..."

"Detective Badd, this is Gregory Edgeworth. I heard something happened after the verdict. Can you please explain?"

And he did. He explained everything about the fact that Manfred Von Karma, after getting a penalty on his flawless record, had gone to end Gregory's life. A bullet from the elevator had prevented that.

"I see. I had passed out long before that due to oxygen deprivation.  My son seems to have passed out as well. Raymond wasn't in the elevator. He'd used the stairs. Told me he was in the bathroom."

"Seems that way... he ran up ....after hearing the gunshot. He said ... he thought you'd... been shot."

"Mr. Shields is currently watching Miles while I recover."

"That's not even... the bad part... Von Karma's kid is with me..."

"Von Karma had a child?"

"She's around three... we're hunting for... living relatives..."

Gregory was quiet. He often wondered about who would care for Miles if he were to pass away before he turned 18.

"If you don't find anyone, I'll take care of her. It's has to be scary being alone, especially for someone so young."

"Are you sure...?"

"I wonder about what would happen to Miles if Von Karma succeeded. I won't let anything happen to her just because shes Von Karma's daughter. She needs a good home, so if no one will take her, I will."

Detective Badd chuckled. Gregory had his mind set.

"I'll prepare for...Mr Shields to... come get her tomorrow..." Detective Badd said. He just received a file. She had no living relatives.

"You'll be safe..."

Franziska continued to sleep, blissfully unaware of her situation.

It should be noted that the ages of Childhood Miles and Franziska are a guesstimate. I do know that they are seven years apart in age. I do hope you enjoy reading! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

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