Flu part 1

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William's POV

I woke up with a splinting headache putting my hand on my head sitting up I kept my eyes shut for a moment before putting my glasses on and looking around the room before looking at the clock. "5:30 I've got to get up." I stumbled out of bed holding onto the wall for a moment before going into the bathroom and getting ready for work.


I walk into work going to my office. I wish I had my fluffy jacket with me I hate felling cold. I finally got to my office sitting down at my desk. My headache hand gotten worse but I brushed it off as lack of sleep due to the hours I had been working never mind the over time or dehydration which would be because I don't get much of a break since every one seems to need me and at home I just go to bed really. So I just continue with my day.

The clock went on 7 so I got up from my desk since me and Grell of all people has to do reaping. So I got up but my stomach churned making me clutch my stomach wincing slightly leaning over. I still ignore it though garbing my scythe and going down to the front to wait for Grell. 

"OH WILLY!" Grell's voice came from behind before she appeared by my side. "Cone on we ne-." I started coughing racking my hole body Grell tried to help but I pushed her hand away trying to regain my composure. After that we left swiftly I didn't know what was going on with me but it was probably nothing.

After 15 minutes or so we where at the first place to reap we wait a minute or so then a young girl by the name of Lexie ran across the empty street and tripped on a brick that wasn't laid right splitting open her head Grell then hopped down to the girl. I also hopped down but stumbled when I landed my stomach churned again but I hide it so not to raise any questions.

Back up Grell's POV

I looked round at William to check this was the right girl to see him with his scythe extended just above his head while he held onto it while his legs seemed to buckle together. "William are you alright?" He nodded slowly. "Alright, so is this the right one." He nodded again so I reaped the girl before turning back to William and going over to him. We then went on our way to the next place.

We were about half way there and we were walking through an alley when William put his hand on the wall and stopped walking so I went over to him. "Willia-." I jumped back as William expelled the contents of his stomach onto the ground, I quickly went to his side again rubbing his back, I could fell the heat radiating through his clothes. He stopped wrenching and fell backwards  exhausted luckily I caught him. "William?" He looked around at me he was pale wit bright red cheeks and dripping in sweat, how did I not notice how ill he looked. "Y-yes?" His voice was quiet and raspy. "How do you fell." He bit his lip seemingly thinking about what he was about to say. "Horrendous." "Tell me what hurts dear?" "M-my stomach, my heads throbbi-." He started coughing before he could finish telling me what was actually wrong, so I patted his back. "Never mind let's just get you back." "No we need t-to finish this job." "No William your a mess your practically radiating heat." He didn't even protest against it anymore?!!! Ok that's scary.

William's POV

I couldn't fight back knowing if I spoke I would throw up or even if I moved I would so I stayed still as my stomach was doing flips. "Do you think you could try walk if you use your scythe to support you and I also help you?" I didn't know what to do but I chose the worse option nodding a dizziness instantly came over me and another round of sick, I was bent over bringing up my insides. "Will!" I then felt her hand rub my back again. I hate this I want to b-be home.  I finally stopped and fell backwards onto Grell as my legs gave out. "WILLIAM?!!"

Grell's POV

I fell to the ground next to William pulling him close. "We need to get you home now........ William extend your scythe ok." He did as I asked. "Use that to help you stand because I can't take all your weight." He nodded slowly. "William you ready?" "Y-yes." I stood up slowly with one arm around him and my chainsaw on the other. William also got up slowly struggling.

I walk slowly knowing William was struggling with even that. We finally got back to shinagamie dispatch giving our death scythes back as they sent some other 2 out to do the job as I explained what was wrong with William or what I knew at lest.

William's POV

I sat lent against the wall trying desperately to keep my stomach at bay but it wasn't very effective since my stomach was churning like mad threatening to spill it's contents. I couldn't anymore I ran into the bathroom throwing up into the toilet I heard someone dashing to my side soon followed by the door shutting and locking it. "It's ok will darling." Grell's voice came from behind me, as she rubbed my back.

Grell's POV

William kept pain fully wrenching for a good 10 minutes before we went back out. I sat him back where he was before finishing my exclamation. "Will do you think you can walk home yourself and take care of yourself?" He shock his slowly clearly embarrassed but that's what I thought he'd do he can bearly walk. "Ok." I looked round to the guy who was a higher management and he nodded. When was explaining to him what was wrong I ask if William didn't think he could take care of himself in the state he's in that I could take care of him.

We got to William's after 20 minutes it would usually take 5 but William had thrown up again as well as the fact that he can hardly walk and I wish I could carry him but we where finally at his William handed me his keys so I unlocked it and took him in and up the stairs to his bed room before sitting him on the bed gently. "William d-do you need help to change."  "Y-yes." William went a dark red and so did I. So I got him changed as quickly as possible without any of my usual shenanigans knowing William was not up for any of it. "Grell?" William's raspy quiet voice said as I tucked him in to bed. "Yes?" "C-could I have w-water." I nodded before leaving, I went and got his water as well as a chamberpot before going back to him and giving him the water and putting the chamber no his side table, I then went and got a cold cloth to help with his fever. I got to one on top his head and the other round the back of his neck. He'd drank some of the water and was now lieing down. I had brought a chair to his bed side so I sat there. "Grell?" His weak raspy voice came again. "Yes is there something wrong?" "C-can I go to sleep?" "Why would you even ask? Of course you need it." I watched as he drifted off into the realm of nod.

To be continued

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